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Фев 4, 17 / Pis 07, 01 19:34 UTC

Fix for Links inside posts - UserScript  

[Personal] I came across one issue today that I had for a long time. There are basically two ways for creating a link in this forum, one works, the other doesn't.

  1. [Text to display](http://link.to.something) - This doesn't work correctly even though it is the default markdown standard and the only way with markdown to attach a link to a text.
  2. <http://link.to.display> - This works fine. It is an alternative (shortcut) of the default one.

I found out the cause of the issue, and made a fix as a standalone UserScript anyone can add to the browser using a Script Manager like TamperMonkey. With this script, both links will work.

This should be eventually fixed on the website itself, the bug itself is really easy to fix.

Meanwhile, you can add this UserScript: https://github.com/Vadorequest/asgardia.space-tools

  Последние изменения внесены:  Ambroise Dhenain (Translator, Asgardian)  на Фев 4, 17 / Pis 07, 01 20:18 UTC, всего отредактировано 2 раза
Причина: This is not an official post, adding [Personal] tag

Фев 5, 17 / Pis 08, 01 02:08 UTC

Um, Whut?

The "fix" isn't something the user applies on a per user basis. It certainly shouldn't require third party plugins. You fix the actual problem, then it works for everyone.

Фев 5, 17 / Pis 08, 01 10:58 UTC

Agree. Only question being: How much time will it require to fix the issue at its source? I have no idea about what the delay could be.

Once its done this become useless. Meanwhile some people may just want the links working normally. Most won't care and that's fine.

Фев 5, 17 / Pis 08, 01 14:52 UTC

How much time should it require? Much less than thirty mins. I have no idea what the delay could be either.

The issue most likely isn't in the source to the markdown itself (and if it is, it demonstrates further disturbing lack of investigation/testing before deploying systems, expecting users to pay the price of their mistakes) but in the implimentation of - input being poorly sanitised on being passed to the markdown processor for example or just passed in an unconventional way.

True most won't care, but if it's not working as intended one has to question the entire purpose of it's existence.

Фев 5, 17 / Pis 08, 01 15:13 UTC

Agree... Definitely less than 30mn work. That's the time I had to figure out, fix the issue and write the UserScript, without knowing the source code...

But yeah, may take weeks before it gets actually patched so... Here comes the UserScript. :)