
Янв 5, 17 / Aqu 05, 01 23:24 UTC

Asgardia Makerspace  

Hello fellas,

I have a proposal for you. But firstly I have to introduce myself a little-bit. I am an Electronics Engineer at Turkey and I am working as a lead R&D Enginner in a Makerspace in Istanbul.

What is my proposal? I would like to found a workshop at Asgardia but a little bit different.

How is this different? There is a movement called Maker Movement at Earth. Simply DIY, hacking, and craft have recently drawn attention. Largely as a collaborative and creative hobbyist practice. Shifted the focus from the recreational elements of this practice to the ways in which it democratizes design and manufacturing. This democratized technological practice, we argue, unifies playfulness, utility, and expressiveness, relying on some industrial infrastructures while creating demand for new types of tools and literacies.

Why a Makerspace? Our main problem will be production. Production for our houses, offices etc. Production of pen holders, gravity pullers maybe robotic arms to help us. This will be very easy if there will be a Maker Space to make and teach people how to do it. How to use 3D printers, electronics and how to code stuff to script ourselves.

Before making decision I want you to watch this TED talk and after that I want you to answer. Just share your opinion. Let's talk.

Here is the YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlrB6npbwVQ

After two weeks I will do my responsibility and I will search proper Asgardians to be my co-founders. That's all. Thank you!

  Последние изменения внесены:  Goksenin Gungor (Asgardian)  на Янв 5, 17 / Aqu 05, 01 23:34 UTC, всего отредактировано 3 раза

Янв 6, 17 / Aqu 06, 01 09:57 UTC

This post has been moved to the Business and Marketing forum for further discussion from General Discussion.

Фев 11, 17 / Pis 14, 01 07:54 UTC

The design and manufacturing are already democratized in the advanced countries. As Asgardia will be an advanced nation, the industrial processes will be democratized in it.

You have to give more details about you imagination about the Makerspace. The products you suggest are already manufactured in the earth factories. Any way, you suggest an innovative name, "Makerspace". I suggest that Asgardia adopts it for a technology facility.

Июн 7, 17 / Can 18, 01 04:30 UTC

Am I too late 😐