
Ноя 16, 17 / Sag 12, 01 17:28 UTC

Candidate for District 1 Parliament  

The main issues surrounding the world today often can be dissected down to one core element; compassion. Compassion is missing from the Middle East when it comes to the Sunni's and Shia, it is missing in churches and concert venues where victims have been shot or blown apart, and it is missing in the world when it comes to ideas of equality, on all levels. Understanding your fellow man is a concept that has been lost in time and has left us in practice of listening to answer, rather than listening to comprehend. As a candidate I would strive that all persons are treated fairly; no-matter race, sex, sexual orientation, or any other concept that is placed in our current societal mindset. 

Some may view me as young (turning 23 in 9 days), but time is speculative just like political views. I have dreamed of being a politician since I was young, interning with congressmen, and assisting on campaigns has been my passion since the moment I had the ability to. I would love to have your vote for parliament, let's create a world that we are too far gone to have on this planet; one of understanding and compromise, rather than bigotry and ignorance. 

Ноя 17, 17 / Sag 13, 01 18:18 UTC

Hi! We have moved this topic to the campaigning forum as that is the place for posts like this. However, please feel free to talk about your views without the 'please vote for me!' in the topic. :)

Kind regards,
Rebekah Berg
Head of Community Affairs
NGO Asgardia