
Янв 22, 17 / Aqu 22, 01 03:07 UTC



Here is a list of Civic Asgardia initiatives currently in the works and planned. Some are Civic Asgardia ideas, some have been passed along from Official, and some were proposed by community and staff members. If you would like to take part in an initiative please comment below with you Asgardia name and, if there is room on the committee, you will receive an email from the adminteam about the details on how to become involved.

Information Scavenger Hunt - Zahira Ledoux Yahyaoui​, Monir Zaman​

Information building exercise for the community in gathering information about what is coming next using only official information from the main Asgardia Facebook page, the website and FAQ, and Official posts.

Project Proposal Process - Nikari Steve Miller​, Rebekah Berg​

A suggested framework in which community members can submit their project proposals to Official in a structured manner. (Unofficial, CA Management Initiative)

Asgardia Timeline - Vadorequest Mini Vado​

Proposal for a visual timeline to be added to the Asgardia website. A graphic either a java script one or a gif or static jpg, showing the significant events. There would be hyperlinks built into each timeline point to either a pop out page or to another page or just a mouseover effect explaining the event and what happened in it.

Current proposal for feedback: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1C3t9i2LcuNtEWxsVP4q8nzFDlZar60bJEChqn-qPz9E/edit?usp=sharing

Special Committee: Asgardia Mobile Application - Russell Jaffe​

Committee to flush out the concept for submission to Asgardia Official. This is an information gathering committee only that may turn into an actionable one after concept is approved by Asgardia Official.

New Member Guide - Nikari Steve Miller

Description pending

Chapter Guide - Nikari Steve Miller, Alan Player​, Rebekah Berg, Cha Fontana

Guide for chapter advocates and their staff of what is expected of them and their communities.

Standing Committee: Community Engagement Think Tank - Dominic Sturt​, Rebekah Berg

Regular meeting to come up with ideas to encourage community engagement within the online structure as well as offline.

Standing Committee: Forum and Social Media Improvement - Jason Rainbow​, Jordan River​

Committee to compile, review and recommend improvement ideas to the forums and other social media outlets currently in use by Asgardia and track and communicate bugs reported by users to the Lead Community Administrator

Standing Committee for Technology Resources -

Grants, loans, scholarships, equipment donation, etc. Member-managed, open to public. Start with member-focused. Donation-funded (equipment, funds)

  Последние изменения внесены:  Rebekah Berg (Asgardian, Lead Admin)  на Янв 22, 17 / Aqu 22, 01 03:09 UTC, всего отредактировано 1 раз

Янв 26, 17 / Aqu 26, 01 15:41 UTC


Could you explain what is it?

Chapter Guide - Nikari Steve Miller, Alan Player​, Rebekah Berg, Cha Fontana

Guide for chapter advocates and their staff of what is expected of them and their communities.

  Последние изменения внесены:  Yuriy Karpenko (Asgardian)  на Янв 26, 17 / Aqu 26, 01 15:42 UTC, всего отредактировано 1 раз

Янв 26, 17 / Aqu 26, 01 16:22 UTC

If possible i would like to partipatr of the new member guide Name: Humberto Guttau Bravo

Янв 27, 17 / Aqu 27, 01 13:26 UTC

Yuriy, the Chapter Guide is a development manual that shows the advocates in our National Chapters how to structure, plan, and engage their local members in building a strong support organization. It will give them the information and support they need to understand their role in Asgardia.

BohZao, to participate, please send a message to Volunteers@asgardia.space. Let us know any writing/editing experience you have. :)

Thank you! Nik, Administrative Coordinator, Civic.Asgardia

Янв 27, 17 / Aqu 27, 01 14:20 UTC

Thanks Nikari, i have already send the email.

Янв 28, 17 / Pis 00, 01 18:02 UTC

Nikari, thanks for the elucidation. Now I understand that "advocates in our national chapters" means asgardians from different countries. The Chapter Guide may be helpful for them.

Янв 29, 17 / Pis 01, 01 19:57 UTC


These are the CIVIC ASGARDIA INITIATIVES i'd like to be involved with:

Project Proposal Process -

Standing Committee: Community Engagement Think Tank -

Standing Committee: Forum and Social Media Improvement -

Standing Committee for Technology Resources -

Янв 31, 17 / Pis 03, 01 12:45 UTC


My name is Justin Phillips

I'd like to join the Special Committee: Asgardia Mobile Application team if possible?

I believe my skills as Head of QA for a communications software development company and my Computer Games Design degree including interface and experience design would be useful to the project