
Май 3, 17 / Gem 11, 01 18:13 UTC

Re: Punish Corruption with Death, By Law!!  

No death penalty, just revoke Asgadian citizenship and send it back to earth.

Июн 8, 17 / Can 19, 01 18:47 UTC

Seriously-- no death penalty. Minor offenses get restrictions, some type of probation/etc. Major crimes? Just send them back to Earth. Revoke Asgardian citizenship.Biggest problem I see is in the event of something like murder-- Asgardia doesn't want a prison system, and just returning a murderer to Earth without legal action could be problematic. But that's what the developing law system is for. 

Death penalty is never the answer.

Июн 22, 17 / Leo 05, 01 12:36 UTC

It has been a rather most proved topic that the thoughness of a punishement will not affect on the reduction of the crime. Anyway I think death penality is not a solution for anithing and least corruption. There are other forms of punishement and more effective ones.

Июн 24, 17 / Leo 07, 01 05:51 UTC

What about an improperly run or modified ballot in an ongoing election.  Is that what you are suggesting (snicker)?

Июл 17, 17 / Vir 02, 01 00:03 UTC

Yet another non-sequitur. The Asgard Constitution will not permit the death penalty or prison unless it is changed. 

What purpose does corruption serve in a society where wealth will not grant control of others? ...where everyone has equal access to wealth and what is required to build it? 

They will lose the capacity to function in the sectors they corrupted of course. If they can't behave respectably, they won't regain any capacity. If they are bad enough, their citizenship will be disbanded....and if they are Asgard born, I suppose they would be housed while they aquire citizenship with another organization they can be exiled to...though, I can't say "corruption" is really a good enough reason to exile over..If the corruption were to institute a prison so that sadistic people could enjoy the suffering of the "undesirables," then possibly exile is warranted. 

  Последние изменения внесены:  Brian Brown (Asgardian)  на Июл 17, 17 / Vir 02, 01 00:17 UTC, всего отредактировано 2 раза

Сен 24, 17 / Sco 15, 01 14:00 UTC

No, no death penalty like it is in China . Only a very stirn punishment enforced upon those corruptors

Сен 24, 17 / Sco 15, 01 14:00 UTC

No, no death penalty like it is in China . Only a very stirn punishment enforced upon those corruptors