
Окт 7, 17 / Oph 00, 01 08:04 UTC

A uniform system or not?  

Asgardia is a new country, according to Scott Trombley's project Jericho we get to use an island as the commercial and industrial center (though I believe majority of the Asgardians would move over to the island for a new world benefit) since we are going to be either on the island soon or on the space arc at whatever time in the future, even though the sense of a military force is probably off the table due to space laws, I believe a uniform system should exist for either ministry purposes or for safety purposes (space life) just addressing it cause it's a thought existing in my mind

Дек 9, 17 / Cap 07, 01 18:36 UTC

Maybe it's a good idea, i wouldn't mind wearing a uniform, maybe designed like this (But without the helmet & with Asgardia Insignia on Shoulder)

  Последние изменения внесены:  Sophie Wilkins (Asgardian)  на Дек 9, 17 / Cap 07, 01 18:37 UTC, всего отредактировано 1 раз

Дек 22, 17 / Cap 20, 01 05:31 UTC

A uniform system would be nice I think but I'm not sold on it just yet. If it were like at my hospital certain scrub colors denote your specialty. Then say a maintenance uniform that is different I color for heating and cooling or electrical. Then again free form would be kinda cool and would be great for morale. I feel like dressing as Han Solo today or korvax from no man's sky . ;)