
Мар 6, 17 / Ari 09, 01 16:57 UTC

Re: How can we create a functional economy and generate money from nothing in Asgardia? Any idea?  

What kind of thing do all Asgardians need? Why do people from all the states of the Earth want to be Asgardians? We must produce something that this market needs, for the good of these people. For a fair price.

The economy is not something very difficult to be created by you if you are not committed to reinventing the wheel. Use what already exists and what works, example; The market, the demand, the price, the profit and especially the savings and the investment.

Obviously, Asgardia, without a territory, will not be able to open the doors of a state bank. But there may be a virtual bank. Maybe we should start with the bank?

Good Lucky

  Последние изменения внесены:  ANTONIO CARLOS DE SIQUEIRA (Asgardian)  на Мар 6, 17 / Ari 09, 01 16:57 UTC, всего отредактировано 1 раз

Мар 6, 17 / Ari 09, 01 17:00 UTC

hi Leo, so about your question , the concept that we have about economy is to be bland: "Money". But we can have other types of economy to generate income like services, or information trading. OUR economy ate begining will be very weak and i dont see how we gonna use this , but we need to stop to use money since if we use money we will be afected by earthlings SocioEconomy Problems,and its gonna make us have a hard time trying to be independent...(including Criptocurrency) only option viable it we trading : Knowledge or Services.

Мар 6, 17 / Ari 09, 01 17:03 UTC

Me, personally, I am not a terribly materialistic person. Here are my requirements to be happy and content:

  1. A computer with access to video games for free time.
  2. Food, water, someplace to sleep without disturbance or to have sex in privacy (preferably the latter).
  3. A place to meet others to converse (internet does part of the time).
  4. Some table-top games, and some RPG games.
  5. Access to Internet.
  6. Ability to work on projects (things that benefit others, usually), with things like electronic components and stuff you could get at a hardware store and Radio Shack.

I am totally low-maintenance myself. Others, maybe not. I know my 'requirements' could easily be met by any government.

Мар 7, 17 / Ari 10, 01 04:49 UTC

Phicksur hi o/ About your comment: The true is to make everithing that you listed we need something like: Play games: energy, internet and computer parts Tô eat we need food ,water to drink and só on...

Well the thing is: we need someone working to produce all of this ,this worker need a remuneration , where we will arrange the remuneration to ours workers and to our machinery wwe need to do repairs, we cant stay using money it will brings disastrous insues to us ..... We need something to "trade" for this things ...we cant simply say that we don't have a economy it would be at minimun funny or a joke We need to elaborate a firm economy to fund Asgardia (obviusly it will be discussed with ours ministrys)

Resuming: we need a economy, be it service based ,economy base,trade based and so on

  Последние изменения внесены:  Humberto Bravo (Asgardian)  на Мар 7, 17 / Ari 10, 01 04:50 UTC, всего отредактировано 1 раз

Мар 7, 17 / Ari 10, 01 14:27 UTC

Well the thing is: we need someone working to produce all of this ,this worker need a remuneration ,

And here I disagree.

If all people are working towards a common, collective, agreed-upon good, then anything else they do does not need to be 'paid for'. If all needs are met, then their 'renumeration' can be recognition. It is actually NOT important to collect money. The reason money is used in our current economy is because people believe that money = respect, which is a fallacy. Money doesn't equal respect, it is merely a construct used by governments and corporations to indicate their value of an individual's contributions. If everyone is working, in their own role, to the best of their ability, then they are contributing to society and that should be enough. All the other uses of money are tied to incorrect mental constructs we have created for ourselves where money = importance = respect = power, when the truth is that money is merely a construct itself.

Until we are able to get out of the concept that money is important, we will not be truly free. The basic responsibilities of an individual are to work for the common, collective good. If that is being done, then money is only really commonly used to determine how best to utilize scarce resources. In the absence of money, this can be determined democratically through a rationing system where projects are proposed and voted upon based on their potential advantages to the community. All working persons will have a basic ration they can use for their own personal benefit, enough to be comfortable, but not opulent. It can be called money, if you would like, but it should not be possible to hoard it. We are not dragons.

Мар 7, 17 / Ari 10, 01 16:39 UTC

Phicksur thanks for apointing that , but remuneration its not only money or things alike haha well being its a remuneration , helping someone to cross the street ,the remuneration its you Feeling good about your own action

remuneration its all that came after something that we do it can be emotional , monetary, material and etc... volutary work have remuneration (emotional) working have remuneration (monetary) studing have remuneration (intelectual)

what i am wanting to say is, we need a padronized remuneration can it be: emotional,intelectual (i prefer this one),material or something like that

Мар 7, 17 / Ari 10, 01 21:21 UTC

This is a good question, I wish I has some idea of how to go about it in space but, I do not. Anyway, why do so many folks think that money is the cause of the problems associated with it? Money is not the cause, the cause is the over importance people place upon it. If society is educated about the true importsnce of money, the problems will go away. Money is only as important as getting you the things you need to survive goes. Luxury items are fun but, not very important to the survival of anyone. People have been duped into thinking that they have to have a ton of luxuries in order to live a good life. It is not true, as long as you can afford a roof over your head, food in your stomach, and education, clothes on your back, and I guess transportation. Your life will be just fine. Anyway, we really need to address this issue

Мар 8, 17 / Ari 11, 01 07:20 UTC

Asgardia is a space nation for only free thinkers.It's society is not thinking for earning or to fulfill any basic needs.thanks

Мар 8, 17 / Ari 11, 01 14:09 UTC

The Problem of Money: Money serves to measure the value of a commodity or a service, etc. It is a measure like Miles Per Hour, Meters Per Second, etc. Weight, mass, volume (m3), decibels, etc. It is useful.

The problem of voluntary service: People who have no paid work, unemployed people, outside the labor market, without pay, in difficulty; Of these people we can not demand that they do or that they are summoned to do volunteer work. Because if the labor market is not valuing these people and their labor potentials, we can not require them to work without pay, instead we should give them an opportunity to show their potential with pay.

As for the bank problem: It's actually a trust problem. If it is a state bank we need to have confidence in the state that gives the bank and its customers the security guarantees. If it is a private bank, the problem is the same, trust. Aggravated by the fact that in Asgardia there is insufficient legislation for the creation of no private enterprise, which will tell a bank. We can use banks in other countries, Switzerland, Germany, USA, England, etc ... But it would be difficult for many people to solve the problem of transferring funds directly to these countries for any reason. Rates of financial movement that some countries charge, etc.

We must think; Who came first, the chicken or the egg?

Мар 8, 17 / Ari 11, 01 14:38 UTC

antonio Carlos nice analysis and good point.

I think at least (speaking as an accountant) that we need some kind of remuneration for certain positions, not necessarily money can be for example: Complete access to the digital library of Asgardia (if we have a kk), guaranteed vacancy in a certain course Asgardiana Digital College (example all courses always have 2 separate spaces for this) or even have a day of the year that we celebrate every effort that these people make. It requires motivation to move forward and some kind of compensation should be given no matter what. Recognition may be the largest of them

Мар 8, 17 / Ari 11, 01 15:08 UTC

The problem of voluntary service: People who have no paid work, unemployed people, outside the labor market, without pay, in difficulty; Of these people we can not demand that they do or that they are summoned to do volunteer work. Because if the labor market is not valuing these people and their labor potentials, we can not require them to work without pay, instead we should give them an opportunity to show their potential with pay.

See, there is always something someone can be doing, even if it is just walking around and picking up trash, cleaning, polishing, or offering assistance. If pay is no longer a motivation (because it does not exist) people will do things because they are bored and need something to do. Provided that entertainment isn't freely available (because people will rather sit and watch a screen all day than work) then the only ways to overcome boredom are to self-motivate. That motivation can be to educate oneself, or to perform civic duties.

Мар 8, 17 / Ari 11, 01 15:24 UTC

well said pricksur !

Мар 8, 17 / Ari 11, 01 16:15 UTC

In fact it is not that difficult, AIRC is already selling T-shirts and caps with the Asgardia logo. What I say is that I will not work for AIRC for free, they are swimming in money, not from the sale of T-shirts or caps. If you think of Asgardia as someone selling hope and having a growing result of 171,005 sympathizers, you find out what these 171K are eager to buy. You just have to fix the price, a fair price for both sides.

  Последние изменения внесены:  ANTONIO CARLOS DE SIQUEIRA (Asgardian)  на Мар 8, 17 / Ari 11, 01 16:24 UTC, всего отредактировано 3 раза

Мар 8, 17 / Ari 11, 01 16:53 UTC

I will concur that I am not spending any of my money on anything relating to Asgardia before I begin to see some concrete framework.

Bonds I might be willing to purchase, but not anything less.

Мар 10, 17 / Ari 13, 01 18:21 UTC

An Asgardian currency may be useful as it could help facilitate Asgardian trade, and if Asgardia had physical territory competitive business rates could attract investment from business. Currency may be necessary to incentivize the people of Asgardia to create enterprise and fund public services. But to create an economy taxes and physical territory would really help.

Any other methods of creating an Asgardian economy?