
Are asgardians 100% literate?

Всего голосов: 2

50% Asgardians must not be illitrate in society

50% Asgardia must remain illiterate.

Янв 2, 17 / Aqu 02, 01 06:40 UTC

Asgardians are requested to educate illiterate persons  

many asgardians are illiiterate even today .they do not know even A B C D and 1 2 3 4 5 etc.if we asgardians will devote some time to educate them it will be very helpful for asgardians thanks

Янв 3, 17 / Aqu 03, 01 05:17 UTC

Dear asgardians, I request to all asgardians to make efforts to educate the persons who are illiterate .for this purpose earthly countries have many programmes as adult education ,woman education, or extra classes in educational institutions .youth asgardians must try to join educational programmes held by govenment or private institutions.Thanks

Янв 3, 17 / Aqu 03, 01 11:52 UTC

How do you think that many Asgardians are illiterate? They wouldn't be Asgardians if they were illiterate for they wouldn't even know for Asgardia.

Янв 16, 17 / Aqu 16, 01 07:09 UTC

Dear asgardians sir, with due regard it is to tell you that in many developing countries there are illiterate persons .Asgardians should try to remove it through it's government support.Thanks.

Сен 21, 17 / Sco 12, 01 03:26 UTC

As a asgardian i am creating a software for all asgardians and people of   earth to bring free education and qualifications to all to can see  more  about this on my blog page here at asgardia.space