
is environmental pollution to educate asgardians useful?

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100% Asgardians must be educated abt environmental pollution.

0% Asgardians must not be educated about environmental pollution.

Дек 31, 16 / Cap 30, 00 09:23 UTC

Asgardians must be alert for environmental pollutions  

Today environtal pollution is effecting the asgardians and their families.They should be alert about their surroundings families must be educated about the environment

Дек 31, 16 / Cap 30, 00 20:43 UTC

Evironmental pollutants is another problem we will, eventually, be able to solve. Education, of course, is a wise thing. Not just what "pollutes" but the effects these things have on the ecosystem as a whole. Understanding the symbiosis with your environment is critical in smaller environments like a small craft or even a large station. If there's really any hope of space being somewhere to go, there requires to be a deep seated respect for your environment, for it is also that of others.

In the long term, quite simply put, orbital manufacturing facilites can be sufficiently isolated as to not cause any problems with either the more dangerous things they play with, or are by-products of their use. As for the disposal of these dangerous pollutants, that which cannot be recycled or reacted into something with a productive use can possibly just get thrown straight at the sun. It's going to get vapourised with the heat before it gets anywhere near it.

Янв 2, 17 / Aqu 02, 01 06:07 UTC

dear asgardians , All we should try to check our surroundings our friends and guests who come to us their habits if polluts the environment .we should request to them not to do polluted. we should not through waste materials hether and tither .we should try to grow plants surroundings of our residence.If our elders make our environment dirty please try to request them not to do so.Thanks for reply

Янв 3, 17 / Aqu 03, 01 08:49 UTC

Dear sir, Natural recycling is automatically continue. government of earth countries should persuate it..Civil authorities should also follow the policies of related government recycling is a succesfull onfy solution to remove pollution from the air..Scientists of asgardia must guide to earth countries thanks.