
Are youth asgardians creative 100% in society?

Всего голосов: 3

66.7% youth asgardians must be creative

33.3% youths asgardians must not be creative.

Янв 2, 17 / Aqu 02, 01 09:22 UTC

Youth asgardians must take in creative activities in society.  

Today in society youths have not proper guidance in creative activities so it is to say that they should participate in study or searching new technology.they should not waste there time in destructive works till morning to evening youths must be creative.

Янв 3, 17 / Aqu 03, 01 05:27 UTC

Dear youth asgardians, Through this forum I want to guide yough asgardians not to use intoxication items.All youth asgardians will avoid to use alchohole etc. every body will be able to take part in creative activities in societies .everybody will be quite healthy and diseaseless body.Thanks.