
Апр 2, 17 / Tau 08, 01 11:31 UTC

Büyük elçiliklerin fealiyeti.  

Büyük Elçi Gezegenimizde şu anki istenilen devlet teşkilatı, temsil olunmalı tüm kıtalarda olan devletlerde Büyük elçiliklerimiz olmalı. Ve Büyük eliçilik tüm ülkeye ve ülkeye bir vatandaşındanda seçilir bilir, ve o Asgardian devletine ait o devletin tümü Elçisi olan toplum için, millet adet ve enenesbakımından, kültürel bakımdan bbilgili biri olur. Bu zaman Asgardia devletine elçisi var. Elçisi, tüm hakları ve hukularını bilgili olduğu medeniyyetinden bilge olduğu için Asgardian devletine gelecekteki faydalı bir şekilde sağlayacağım. Konuların doğru şekilde aktarada. İkinci bir model farklıdır, farklı devletlerden farklıdır Elçiler eldiven elçilik yapdığı devletin vatandaşı olmayın bilir. Bu tarafsızlık sağlar. Buda gelecekte Elçilerin en iyi temsilcisi olan Temsil et ve Devleetin mefatini üstün tutmaz. Bir tek Asgardian devletine hizmetde kusursuz olur.

**Mod Edit** Translation into english - Ambassador planet's current desired state organization, in which the state should be represented on all continents Our embassies should be great.And Great eliçilik the whole country and the country knows a vatandaşınd chosen career, and he Asgardian state of society which he states that all Acts, and the nation enenesbakım pieces, will be one of bbilgil culturally. This time there envoy to the Asgardian state. Envoy, all rights and provisions of the Asgardian is wise for the government Medeniyyet informed that in the future I will provide a useful way. The transfer of subjects correctly. The second model is different, different in different states Ambassadors gloves knows the embassies be a citizen of the state money eventually came second. This ensures impartiality. Buddha represent the best representative of the future does not hold the Apostle and Devleet the mefat superior. Hizmetd to be perfect in a single Asgardian state.

  Последние изменения внесены:  Jewell Ledoux (Global Admin, Asgardian)  на Апр 2, 17 / Tau 08, 01 12:42 UTC, всего отредактировано 1 раз

Апр 2, 17 / Tau 08, 01 12:44 UTC

English is the language used on most Asgardian forums. The exception is on the regional forums where you can use your own language. It is recommended to use Google Translate if English is not a language that you know well. Follow the link to the Regional forums. If you have any further questions please let us know.

Google Translate: <https://translate.google.com/>

Bing Translator: <https://www.bing.com/translator>

Апр 6, 17 / Tau 12, 01 20:21 UTC

"Ambassador planet's current desired state organization, in which the state should be represented on all continents Our embassies should be great.And Great eliçilik the whole country and the country knows a vatandaşınd chosen career, and he Asgardian state of society which he states that all Acts, and the nation enenesbakım pieces, will be one of bbilgil culturally. This time there envoy to the Asgardian state. Envoy, all rights and provisions of the Asgardian is wise for the government Medeniyyet informed that in the future I will provide a useful way. The transfer of subjects correctly. The second model is different, different in different states Ambassadors gloves knows the embassies be a citizen of the state money eventually came second. This ensures impartiality. Buddha represent the best representative of the future does not hold the Apostle and Devleet the mefat superior. Hizmetd to be perfect in a single Asgardian state."

Um... What?