
Дек 30, 16 / Cap 29, 00 13:00 UTC

City? Space Station? Space Craft? Space City Station Craft?  

Hello Asgardians! How do you think where our nation will live in the future? Maybe it will be big city on Earth? Maybe it will be a massive Space Station on orbit? Or Space Craft travelling throw our solar system? Do you have any idea, any concepts? Maybe it will be good idea to cooparete with SpaceX and Elon Mask. Or NASA? Or ESA? Or wtih Russia and China? I`m so excited to see how and where (and maybe when) we will live in our great future!

  Последние изменения внесены:  Dauren Meiramkulov (Asgardian)  на Дек 30, 16 / Cap 29, 00 13:01 UTC, всего отредактировано 1 раз

Янв 7, 17 / Aqu 07, 01 01:51 UTC

Why not a huge spaceship that can do both (station and ship) by keeping a huge population ? It could be more practical to do some space travel and remain stationary. So if an emergency occurs and we need to move fast, the ))ship will move faster than a stationary space station. :)

Янв 7, 17 / Aqu 07, 01 05:36 UTC

Earth isn't an option, most likely.

With every possible square foot of land inhabited, save for antartica (which has anti-settlement treaties applied), it's not very likely that a nation will be generous enough to donate land to our cause. It's even less likely to donate enough land to deal with our current population sensibly, let alone any future expansions.

As for space... Space station? space craft? What makes you think this is an either/or senario? To be able to solve the issues of attributing the applicable resources to safely contain our population in space, we'll at the same time make it possible to build multiple stations. Building just one is insanity as that's a single point of failure, and simply represents the greatest chance of wiping the nation out in one stroke. I would personally suggest a cluster of stations in local earth orbit. To begin at least. Nine(just to be able to name each one after the realms in norse mythology, to be honest) with a capacity of 150,000 and design capcity to feature expansion via "onioning" for a futher 700,000 heads - in a belt between Earth and it's moon could be spaced to allow minimal travel time between stations. It'd allow to just send anything "up", from almost anywhere, and the nearest one will pick it on the way past - throwing it from one to the next until it reaches destination. Down should be pretty easy. A network of centrafugal launchers could throw cargo and people further out past the moon. In the case of severe systems failure or other catastrophe that would give need to abandon the facility there's two places either side to split the load across. For less severe conditions, support can arrive within the hour from either side.

Equally, multiple ships can be constructed, one is a bit useless and will cause constant arguments over where to take it next. Build lots, take them everywhere.

I don't think it a good idea to seek "co-operation" from private firms or government agencies. They have their own agenda.

Янв 11, 17 / Aqu 11, 01 15:16 UTC

Hello fellow Asgadians, eventually we will need to seek to build multiple "cities" in space if we are to become a space fairing nation but there are many practical issues that will have to be overcome to enable this to happen. One of them is gravity - human beings (and all other living things such as plants and animals that we will still need for food) evolved on Earth in a 1G environment and we are best suited to living and working in such an environment (apart for some short fun times in 0G) so this is a real practical problem that we will need to find an engineering solution for. I suppose that we could keep spinning around to mimic gravity but (apart from making us all dizzy!), in the long term, we will need to find a way to produce an artificial gravity field within our space cities. Perhaps we can learn to harness, concentrate and contain "dark matter" as this has mass and interacts with 'normal' matter via gravity and there is a lot more of this stuff available in the universe than normal matter. Of course, we will need to find out what "dark matter" actually is but maybe progress will be made out of the current research on the use of ryderberg atoms to determine whether this form of matter is made up of axions or not. I'm no scientist or engineer but it just strikes me that maybe the dark stuff could be used as a resource for this purpose.

Янв 11, 17 / Aqu 11, 01 18:20 UTC

I am firmly convinced that in order to pursue our Asgardian goals (to become a fully recognized country and, in particular, to become the first ever space nation) our policies should consider: 1) institute a capital on Earth. Physical, tangible, terrestrial territory is necessary to be recognized as a Country (the 3 things a country has to have are a population, a bill of rights and a TERRITORY). Moreover, setting the capital on Earth helps for diplomatic affairs, participation in international programs and, again, international recognition. For this objective we can also take in consideration a 1km squared area (I recall the Vatican is only 0.44km2): a possibility is to buy acres of land (eg. see Molossia in US, or South Ossetia, or Abkhazia - though our campaign for recognition must obviously pursue its objective more than the cases just mentioned); 2) a Space station. It is our final objective. Collaboration with SpaceX is advisable, for Elon Musk's interests in space colonization are beyond ESA's, NASA's or any other companies'.

Янв 12, 17 / Aqu 12, 01 05:55 UTC

Build a space station on an asteroid? Seems best idea, raw materials available, low gravity making it easy to launch from and shielding from radiation.

Yes we need an earth based country for all the reasons mentioned above

  Последние изменения внесены:  Michael Honn (Asgardian)  на Янв 12, 17 / Aqu 12, 01 05:56 UTC, всего отредактировано 1 раз
Причина: just added a tad

Янв 14, 17 / Aqu 14, 01 06:07 UTC

Mars will be the best bet with near future technology. There aren't many Asteroids that would make for quality living situations. Most aren't large enough to provide radiation shielding, the resources aren't very diverse, and the low gravity can cause major health problems for anyone living there for more than a year or two. On Mars, we'd have soil, decent gravity, some atmospheric pressure, and could get decent radiation shielding with less effort. Also, we likely don't want an earth based capital. We can establish embassies for diplomacy, but placing a capital in a location separate from the core of the population would create a weak point that could be exploited by rivals.

  Последние изменения внесены:  Kevin Murphy (Asgardian)  на Янв 14, 17 / Aqu 14, 01 06:10 UTC, всего отредактировано 1 раз

Янв 14, 17 / Aqu 14, 01 16:02 UTC

City? Good idea for now, asgardia must buy a land or island or a big ship like navy's and for land and island asgardia must made a big building or training center and bring us all together. (Space Station? for future, and when asgardia bring us together, we have to working on it and build a future,a nation and finally a space ship, And we must begin to build a road to space station or space ship, We must lay the foundation of this path to either us or children or grandchildren to be up there. as asgardian citizens. lets start to build a nation asgardia...fatemeh.

Янв 15, 17 / Aqu 15, 01 15:39 UTC

What about setting up a station on the moon? as far as launching into space and landing the low gravity on the moon would allow of an easier port for our vessels, along with potential of raw resources, as for shielding from solar radiation, we can build under the surface, keeping the surface itself for landing, fueling, and take off. the only real problem I can see with the moon, is power, where solar would only work for about half a month at a time, we would need an alternative power source during dark side times, such as the potential of fusion, or using already existing fission technologies.

Янв 16, 17 / Aqu 16, 01 16:35 UTC

A small research station might make sense. When it comes ot things like mass habitation and mining, then significantly adjusting the mass of the moon isn't going to be clever. 0.00001 will add up over a few thousand laps of the planet... It's currently almost well balanced, in terms of velocity, mass, distance - adjusting any of those variables will result in disaster. Low gravity isn't as efficient as microgravity. Not even going near it would be more cost effective in terms of fighting gravity.

Buying land isn't really an option. realistically, it's incredibly unlikley that any individual nation will be willing to part with their second most precious resource, soon to be their first. Even if they are willing then it's very unlikely to be of sufficiant quantity or quality. And island could be built, but to place this outside of anyone else's territory, you're still looking at about three hundred feet of laying down material before you get near the surface - and needless to say, this is going to get expensive quickly. Maybe once we've parked a few 200Km wide asteroids the other side of the moon we'd be able to attribute the mass for such a project - but it's largely a waste of effort as errosion will have it away eventually.

How are you planning to get to the space station without a space ship? You'd need to build that first... Thinking things through helps...

Янв 18, 17 / Aqu 18, 01 13:27 UTC

hello to all Asgardian, having some knowledge of law posthumous high school think this: the first step immediately after being recognized worldwide is primarily the construction of a space station recognized as a nation to live, it will be to our territory, to have a capital city on earth would be simplistic and would slow down a lot of our emancipation, surely we should have diplomatic offices in every capital of the world, but always without obligations to anyone single, alone into the future the whole of humanity; the second step is a must, settlements of all the planets of our solar system. colonize and occupy the solar system will help in the research and development of what we have invented and discovered so far and maybe surely discover something new. the third step is the real reason that drives us all to participate in this enterprise, find out what's outside of our solar system. the earth will always be our mother, but the whole universe is our home

Янв 18, 17 / Aqu 18, 01 18:18 UTC

I questioned this on facebook but differently !! One Asgardians said that doing partnership with NASA or ESA or others companies that have the government behind will make the task more difficult or maybe impossible. But spaceX have not government behind can be an option for us :)

I think that we will need to build a city or not , to create economy and revenue to build or buy from spaceX the space crafts , but we will need some terrain to launch our satellites safly and with no authorization of any government exept Asgardia

Янв 18, 17 / Aqu 18, 01 18:23 UTC

We need to harness giant asteroids to create our space stations. The most obvious candidate is the asteroid 16 Psyche, a large nickel iron asteroid orbiting between Mars and Jupiter. We create and send an unmanned ship that will intercept the asteroid and partially hollow it out to create living spaces inside. I have some preliminary designs for the intercept ship.

Янв 21, 17 / Aqu 21, 01 07:23 UTC

Another advantage of creating an artificial island in international waters is that we can manage the country, create platform space shuttle launches and also in the future we can live on both the sea platform and space with our future space station

Янв 23, 17 / Aqu 23, 01 19:51 UTC

All three could be one in the same. The asteroid idea is very interesting, but it would be difficult to move something of a large scale such as that. Harvesting the asteroids could come in handy for resources to expand Asgardias walls, as I assume they are already planning.