
Янв 26, 17 / Aqu 26, 01 02:00 UTC

Re: City? Space Station? Space Craft? Space City Station Craft?  

Gianluca98 / EyeR / sfoston

You three, mentioned above, I see your logic in furthering the topic discussion. Everyone's ideas are good, but in truth, yes - land establishment and supporters are must in order to contribute to current and future goals.

On the subject of artificial gravity, wouldn't a central oscillating machine and magnetics make any sense for recreating 1G conditions? I understand it might be a problem considering things would float around because of a hardware failure, so how would that problem be resolved?

Another hurdle we all need to overcome is the large political wall blocking our way in regards to funding projects to advance our scientific goals. Or is this an exaggeration?

  Последние изменения внесены:  Michael Kanner (Asgardian)  на Янв 26, 17 / Aqu 26, 01 02:07 UTC, всего отредактировано 2 раза

Янв 28, 17 / Pis 00, 01 14:14 UTC

Fellow Asgadians may be interested to know that the first 'private' commercial space station has been proposed to launch in 2020 by Axiom (http://www.axiomspace.com) so perhaps we should see how this develops and, perhaps, commission such a station as one of the first steps towards future developments in space. Similarly, what will happen to the ISS after 2024? would it be feasible to look at taking this over and refurbishing it when it is decommissioned by other governments?

Янв 30, 17 / Pis 02, 01 11:59 UTC

I must say that even if the idea of living in space (Earth orbit or somewhere else) is quite exciting. I must admit that we still have (from a technical and medical point of view) a few difficulties to overcome. However, having an artificial island in international waters is very interesting too.

It's easier (but not easy) to craft (and maintain) than a space station (or ship). We could be recognize as a country. We could launch our own satellites (I have no idea, how hard it would be to launch one from an artificial island, but it must be possible). We would be able to try out our political/economical system.

This (temporary) alternative as two advantages: Less risk in case of failure and no gravity issue.

However, still many problems to overcome, such as: self-sufficiency in term of energy, food and technology (I have no problem with importing stuff but the more we are self-reliable the the closer we are from being able to survive in space).

Фев 1, 17 / Pis 04, 01 02:58 UTC

"central oscillating machine and magnetics " -=- How does that work?

With regards to funding, there's ways and means. By deploying multiple we can increase the chances of success. That's only a short term concern, really, and one of the easiest to mitgate.

Asteroids of massive scale can be moved - applying power at the right point in time can mean so much more with regards to steering them. If the EM-Drive actually works then we can output constantly - and time wins. With regards to harvesting asteroids, these would be harvested mostly to get rid of them and remove them from orbits that pull them near Earth more than for the resources - tho in the early phases these resources might be useful, once we hit the belt between Mars and Jupiter we should have a good supply being thrown back - and once a path is cleared through that and facilities thrown out as far as the Oort, then there's more resources than we can possibly harvest - even with exponential methods(that'll need to get toned down at some point to prevent an overflow) - in hundreds of generations.

Sea platform for launch I'd not imagine to be overly stable - maybe if had enough outriggers with enough ballast a far enough distance away. I'd lean more towards some sort of baloon-suppported launch platform and seeing if can float closer to the mesosphere before applying thrust.

With hollowing out asteroids, this will only be suitable on lumps of sufficient composition/construct. If it turns out that's mostly "gravel" hollowing it out won't work to well. then even if it is a solid lump - on the inside - and assuming there's no gaseous pockets that make such a procedure unsuitable, then the act of hollowing it out presents some engineering challenges. Then you have to make sure you don't dig out too much. It might create some thermal dissipation issues too. Personally I think it makes more sense to process it and use it to build a dozen stations.

  Обновлено  на Фев 1, 17 / Pis 04, 01 03:02 UTC, всего отредактировано 1 раз
Причина: Additional data

Фев 3, 17 / Pis 06, 01 12:08 UTC

Just a thought, an island has just come up for sale on "e-bay" just of the coast of Belize - maybe Asgadia can buy it and develop a base to start to get our future city into space. Perhaps this is a bit too early yet but a terrestrial launch point will be needed for Asgardia's use to get its citizens in space.

Фев 3, 17 / Pis 06, 01 12:26 UTC

If you'd scroll to the bottom, you may notice the AIRC logo - This is what Dr Ashurbeyli has been doing previous. They already have "strong enough contacts" to realistically consider a launch. But, yes, we'd ideally like our own facilities - this could possibly be the ultimate purpose for the "base" Dr Ashurbeyli bought over in Malta back in 2015. I'm not really qualified to make such assumptions - I'm lacking many variables required.

We don't entirely require a terrestial point, either. Floating launchpads are not beyond the scope of possible, IMHO, Sea or Air. I'd prefer air 'cause that holds potential to get closer to where you want to end up before you even start - but these are pie-in-the-sky concepts, and completely unproven.

Фев 12, 17 / Pis 15, 01 07:44 UTC

No one has defined the minimum size of the two "Holy Grails" of today - the stationary thermonuclear reactor and a closed artificial biosphere. They may in fact be very high, since a necessary condition for their stability is the high inertia - the ability to smooth out random fluctuations.

Then, probably the majority of the population in the foreseeable future will live still on Earth. A long range space travel to implement, along with the Earth and the Sun, approximately: https://jour.space/notes/the-shkadov-thruster/ http://lnfm1.sai.msu.ru/SETI/koi/articles/Shkadov.pdf

It just might be one of the long-term projects of Asgardia.

  Последние изменения внесены:  Dmitry Novoseltsev (Asgardian)  на Фев 12, 17 / Pis 15, 01 11:05 UTC, всего отредактировано 1 раз

Мар 27, 17 / Tau 02, 01 12:41 UTC

I say a large station in HEO utilizing centrifugal force as an artificial gravity system. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a9/ArtificialGravity.gif

  Последние изменения внесены:  Alexander Clegg (Asgardian)  на Ноя 14, 17 / Sag 10, 01 13:11 UTC, всего отредактировано 2 раза
Причина: I'm an idiot