
Май 28, 17 / Can 08, 01 15:08 UTC

Control hurricanes?  

Among the stated goals of Asgardia – preventing space threats – apparently, it is possible to allocate the following: prevention of the space means of threats which arise in geophysical environments of the Earth. 

One of these problems are the hurricanes. They do not represent the biggest threat to my home are mostly continental Russia, except the sparsely populated Eastern Pacific coast, but for such countries as USA, Japan, and others with a long coastline and densely populated coasts this is a significant problem.

I propose to consider the following model.

In 1992 in Russia was carried out a space experiment "Znamya-2", which expanded on the automatic spacecraft the light reflector type as solar sail,  focused sunlight on the earth's surface (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Znamya_(satellite)). Next, more large-scale experiments have faced technical and financial problems and was eventually discontinued. 1990-s years it was not the best time in history. However, no obvious technical problems to create much larger structures of this type.

Now let's say that with the help of this orbital concave membrane mirrors we heat the area of the oceans is about the same as, according to legend, Archimedes brought down Roman ships. Due to photothermal effects in this area will significantly increase evaporation of water and above the surface arises an anomaly in the distribution of atmospheric pressure. Precisely creating such an anomaly on the periphery of the cyclone, we might create an opportunity to control its movement using minimal power impact, literally herding him in the right direction. You can drive it in circles in the ocean until it run out of steam, or send in the arid region to correct the weather.

This design should not differ by a large value and mass. High precision mirror is not required, it's not a telescope, it is enough to create a light spot in a given area. To ensure rigidity of the mirror can be assembled from corner reflectors of this type: http://cosmomayak.ru/.

I propose to consider the proposal.

Май 29, 17 / Can 09, 01 14:04 UTC

I see here some problem in that the area of the cyclone, generally closed characteristic clouds, are quite dense (which hurricane is well-recognized on space images). These clouds will absorb and scatter light. To focus a light spot on the surface of clean water is possible only at some distance. I would like to find at least a preliminary assessment of what should be the power of the radiation to change the surface pressure, ensured the necessary control action.

By the way, the same orbital technique can be used to improve the efficiency of terrestrial solar power plants in uninhabited regions (as Sahara, Gobi, Atacama, etc.).