
Дек 28, 16 / Cap 27, 00 02:11 UTC

Space Aircraft Carrier. (Team Asgardia Design)  

Hello anyone from Asgardia iam jerry, Who can make Design Space Aircraft Carrier for come true in the future?. (And we need a team for design Space Aircraft Carrier) let dream be come true ^^, uhmmm maybe iam dreaming lol ^^

Thank you


Дек 28, 16 / Cap 27, 00 02:50 UTC

I am a 3D designer, and I could prepare something =)

Дек 28, 16 / Cap 27, 00 02:50 UTC

I am a 3D designer, and I could prepare something =)

Дек 28, 16 / Cap 27, 00 02:59 UTC

Basic undestanding about 3d model, well about what type of spaceship we are talking ? Militar? Comunity?(where we live etc....) Exploration Etc .....

Tell me a type that i can draw a sketch for us , if we do this we can begin to make certain modifications to begin to turn in the real thing

Дек 28, 16 / Cap 27, 00 10:44 UTC

JerryICQ, I think that it is prematurely to form the Team. We need to clarify itself beforehand with Structure of Spaceship, Propulsion System, Energy Source and other Details. Or you mean only Computer Simulation?

Дек 28, 16 / Cap 27, 00 17:10 UTC

Hi, I study Aerospace Engineering. I understand that it is essential to plan the design and construction of a space station, but we do have to factor the necessary technologies that would be involved on the matter (most of these technologies aren't very much available yet -artificial gravity, life support for extended periods, etc.). Aside from that, cost would be a great hurdle for the design process. Engineering a space station will cost billions and will take a lot of time (and time used for the research isn't even part of the equation yet). The recent news regarding Asgardia's next leap to the space frontier is a satellite to be launched around next year, and that in itself will already cost a lot. A lot of planning has to be done, research an all. The design process can't be done by just those that are involved in this section of the forum. All types of engineers are needed (Civil, Mechanical, etc. Even Biomedical engineering). It's good to see that someone is looking out for the future of Asgardia, but we need to start solving the problems we face as of the moment. The many little problems, before we start taking on the bigger problems.

Янв 1, 17 / Aqu 01, 01 09:22 UTC

I have rocketry design experience if I can offer any assistance. BTW as large mothership with shuttles and long range transport may be a viable and useful arrangement.

Янв 1, 17 / Aqu 01, 01 15:22 UTC

Hi everyone! :)

I thik, that designers shud try to make dinamic (constantly updating) 3d model of possible ship according to technology and resources accessable today. So we can integrate new ideas and solutions as soon as we find (berter, faster, cheaper) way of solving a problem (propulsion, life sustainability, waste recyclin, and so on...). Very simple model, so everyone can "play" with it trying to find possible solutions of current problem. You newer know where some good idea will come from! ;) Kinda open source modelling... Please tell me your thoughts about idea :) English is not my native, so be nice! ;)

Янв 2, 17 / Aqu 02, 01 02:25 UTC

Hi. I'm working on 3D model for months now (in my free time) but i'm not engineer and some advice from engineer will help!

Янв 2, 17 / Aqu 02, 01 03:46 UTC

:@ DaveGalea If you know how to use ZPE (zero point energy) for thrusters for a long journeys? it's impossible to have that much fuel and oxygen for long trip, think of a storage that it will take..

  Последние изменения внесены:  Yuri Bel (Asgardian)  на Янв 2, 17 / Aqu 02, 01 03:50 UTC, всего отредактировано 2 раза

Янв 2, 17 / Aqu 02, 01 18:12 UTC

Hello Everyone. I am a Design Engineer with various backgrounds as i have placed below:

Mechanical Engineering - High-performance vehicles (HPV) - Rapid prototyping - Mechatronics Aerospace Engineering - Advanced propulsion systems - Aerodynamics/ Structures (Vacuum and non-vacuum)

I have done some other studies in my free time which is Quantum Mechanics and Plasma Physics. Feel free to ask me anything I will help to my best abilities.