
Мар 7, 17 / Ari 10, 01 14:03 UTC

A little suggestion . . .  

Greetings, I would like to suggest at all the moderator / developers of this forum to add a chat room (maybe also divided into topic rooms) where to can talk and exchange ideas and suggestions without to have to wait too long for the answer. It would be really grate.

Thank you for the attention.

Мар 7, 17 / Ari 10, 01 14:15 UTC

Hi Draco, that is an interesting suggestion. I'm going to move this to the Feedback forum so that it can be considered. Thanks for sharing.

Мар 7, 17 / Ari 10, 01 16:59 UTC

Maybe related to this thread: https://asgardia.space/en/forum/forum/feedback-11/topic/feature-request-irc-chat-3014/

Мар 7, 17 / Ari 10, 01 17:07 UTC

Rather than a "chat room" I'd suggest instead a full blown comms solution. Ticks more boxes, solves more problems and doesn't have to introduce more overheads in the attempt. To assume you are not suggesting we develop our own protocol for this, adherence to the likes of RFC 1459 (the specifications document for IRC) would likely leave us short on features and provide for many wide and easily exploitable targets.

As a technology that can fulfill our requirements, XMPP is well suited. It's open source and instantly deployable. Overheads are comparable or lesser to an IRCd, It can support 1:1 or group chat, making use of existing clients on almost every available platform or embedded into page content it can serve both "chat" and "PM" functionalities both on and off site. It natively supports text/voice/vid/files etc and further functionality can be extended if you can cram it into an XML stanza(which would be almost anything). It's proven itself resilient against heavy assault, and forms the core of many other services - including gtalk, whatsapp, mumble, and FB's comms system.

Мар 7, 17 / Ari 10, 01 17:13 UTC

I suggested to use IRC as it's ASCII text only but, if you think XMPP is better I've to believe into it (you're the expert) and adjust my feature request accordingly.
btw: was you meaning something like this https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0045.html?

Мар 7, 17 / Ari 10, 01 17:18 UTC

Something similar to that indeed, with xmpp.org being responsible for the XMPP project - I didn't even realise that was an extension, everything I've played with it ships as default functionality.

It's slightly more than ASCII (actually, IRC tends to default UTF-8) and thus is the advantages, lesser limitations. It can do everything IRC can do - and provide more features(even the features have features!).

Мар 7, 17 / Ari 10, 01 17:21 UTC

FR changed, feel free to add there. ;-)

Мар 15, 17 / Ari 18, 01 13:54 UTC

I thinked instead something like the old Lycos or similar. I don't find I.R.C. channels so safe . . . I heard that most of the crackers / lamers (and maybe also some hacker) use I.R.C. channels to hack people.

The chat in question must serve above all to exchange knowledge, suggestions and opinions, however, if it could be even fun I think more people would be enticed to use it with many benefits for everyone from meeting new people (maybe even expanding the circle of friends who can not do bad) to express their thinking contributing more and more to the preparation for the realizzation of Asgardia project.

There's to understand / rimember that Asgardia will NOT be built just ONLY by the scientists but the founder is asking to all of us to collaborate on it own talking together telling our thinking; this because Asgardia will be built for ANYONE will want to go there to live so is logical to take every usefull information from every thinking by chat or forum with the only difference that by chat this process will be much more fast (I guess).

I hope (personally) that this will be developed as soon as possible.

Best regards.

  Последние изменения внесены:  Alessandro Raisi (Asgardian)  на Мар 15, 17 / Ari 18, 01 13:58 UTC, всего отредактировано 2 раза

Мар 15, 17 / Ari 18, 01 14:23 UTC

IRC to "hack people" shouldn't be possible, unless they're using a defective client (like mIRC, used to have a lovely script that'd eat that, supposedly that was developed by law enforcement) and then that's a fault of the software involved in implimenting the protocol, more than the protocol itself. The IRC specification doesn't contain much that has abuse potential to end user, and due to the age of the protocol has been developed sufficiently. It's considered suitable for frontline use in military C&C.

The channel itself should be "safe" - what might not be "safe" is the people that use it. But wherever you go, whatever protocol you use, people are people and this holds true universally. Spitting a link that will forcibly take control over your browser and then computer when you click on it is equally possible here, facebook, lycos, email, IRC, XMPP, etc - It's again not the protocol as much as the abusable software you're running that makes the attack possible. And most "hacking" you'd hear from in the media is actually convincing the tool, I mean end user to click on the link and infect themselves.

To assume sensibly XMPP was selected, should you choose to use a standalone client - of which there are many already available for most platforms - then the selection of this client would likely be your responsibility - however, the web-based solution (of which there are existing open source examples ready to import) would be the responsibility of the site operator and (should) be throughly vetted to provide minimal abuse potential.

I selected such technologies because they are already developed, and already securable.

I really don't think Lycos was a particular good example for a more secured operational standard, and IRC is older.