
Янв 19, 17 / Aqu 19, 01 19:23 UTC

About Social Sciences  

Hi, I'm a student of social sciences (Sociology) and I think it could be nice and appropiated to have a topic in the forum about social sciences or sociology in general, because is a nice contribution to debate about the sociological structure of Asgardia, and to also know about social psychology of the Asgardians, because it's necesary for a good development of Asgardia in my opinion.


Янв 19, 17 / Aqu 19, 01 21:13 UTC

As a political sciences student I was going to suggest a sub-forum for sociology also because it's a topic of important matter for every nation.

Янв 24, 17 / Aqu 24, 01 19:11 UTC

Suggestion for the Forum: A part on the Forum called Social Sciences with subforums of theology, antropology, psychology, history, sociology, political science, archaeology, philosophy and others sciences... Cause i think history, theology and philosophy is science, and not just culture...