
Янв 22, 18 / Aqu 22, 02 20:02 UTC

Notifications not showing up  

Message icon indicates new notifications, attempts to get them listed and read result in empty side panel.

Please fix. Thanks.

Фев 3, 18 / Pis 06, 02 02:00 UTC

Up. Anyone reading this, hey? :)

Фев 5, 18 / Pis 08, 02 22:00 UTC

Hi Denise,

done. Awaiting resolution.

Фев 12, 18 / Pis 15, 02 21:03 UTC

Not only the issue is NOT yet resolved, but now I have to re-login for every access to the forum. Such low IT support quality is NOT acceptable for a digital society.

Фев 27, 18 / Ari 02, 02 00:59 UTC

Just a reminder: still not working...

Мар 6, 18 / Ari 09, 02 21:35 UTC

Hi.  I have the exact same problem.  I have 11 notifications and no one is shown.  Should I send a screenshot too?  I will anyway if nobody answer this thread.

Мар 7, 18 / Ari 10, 02 00:26 UTC

No worries, there has been no reply to e-mail as well...

  Последние изменения внесены:  Alexander Loyko (Asgardian)  на Мар 7, 18 / Ari 10, 02 00:26 UTC, всего отредактировано 1 раз

Мар 7, 18 / Ari 10, 02 12:01 UTC

In my profile notifications are now working can you please check it again and if are not working to you can you please sent an email with that? (screenshots i believe they are helping)

Мар 7, 18 / Ari 10, 02 20:42 UTC

Still not working so I've send an e-mail.

Июл 6, 18 / Leo 19, 02 07:59 UTC

Still not working, сan make a duplication of such messages in the mail?

Июл 17, 18 / Vir 02, 02 06:53 UTC

Problem found. Only Firefox does not show notifications

  Последние изменения внесены:  Ogden Silver (Asgardian)  на Июл 17, 18 / Vir 02, 02 07:00 UTC, всего отредактировано 1 раз

Июл 17, 18 / Vir 02, 02 20:32 UTC

The most "impressive" IT support...

Июл 24, 18 / Vir 09, 02 10:58 UTC

Can confirm that it is still not working on Firefox...