
Ноя 26, 18 / Sag 22, 02 19:48 UTC

Regarding citizen tax issues, where is my ID card and passport?  

可以收取一定的税额,但只有在Asgardia委员会或Asgardia Citizenship Department,您何时开始授予公民护照和身份证?不,对不起,我不愿意支付这个不确定是否是骗局的纳税。


Ноя 26, 18 / Sag 22, 02 20:00 UTC

I understand your words

I agree with everything you said

many people are very disappointed by this too

We citizens believe that Asgardia is a hope

but so far, no one in the government has clarified anything.

Forgive my English that comes Google Translator

Дек 2, 18 / Cap 00, 02 17:33 UTC
