
Авг 3, 18 / Vir 19, 02 13:37 UTC

Theme of the Day 03 AUG 2018  

Hello everyone!

The theme of the day is about what we can create in space!


Please discuss your thoughts on it below!

  Последние изменения внесены:  Rebekah Berg (Asgardian, Lead Admin)  на Авг 22, 18 / Lib 10, 02 16:59 UTC, всего отредактировано 1 раз

Авг 3, 18 / Vir 19, 02 23:09 UTC

Or inflatable capsules like Bigalow is developing. Create a colony of inflatable (private) living capsules, connected by bigger work and public capsules.

I admit their design will be more limited than structures created with foam but inflatable capsules are already tested and available...

Авг 3, 18 / Vir 19, 02 23:09 UTC

Or inflatable capsules like Bigalow is developing. Create a colony of inflatable (private) living capsules, connected by bigger work and public capsules.

I admit their design will be more limited than structures created with foam but inflatable capsules are already tested and available...

Авг 3, 18 / Vir 19, 02 23:16 UTC

Sorry about the double post :/

Another thing that might be useful is a (small) craft for moving around in space, one that does not need to be able to go through the atmosphere...

It could be used for many things really depending on size, from clearing space debris to shuttling people from NEO to for instance the moon (or later perhaps even Mars)

Авг 5, 18 / Vir 21, 02 10:18 UTC

Well currently we can't create much but in a few decades just about anything.

I think the 3 main challenges in the near future will be:

Artificial/simulated gravity. If living in space for a long time this is a must. (could possibly be offset by some serious leaps in medical science ie body regeneration, advanced cell healing) 

Impact protection. Space isn't really empty and if you build a megastructure in space you don't want some rock or space debris ruining it.

Radiation protection. This I think may be the easiest challenge. Some advancement in material and medical science will go a long way versus radiation. And in a few decades I believe there will be working and effective electro/magnetic shields.

Once those 3 are solved the easy part starts ;).
The first steps could be setting up robotic mining and production units. Then you bring the advanced/costly materials needed for future development from earth, easy to produce materials like some version of space concrete you produce in space. This way you could construct most of the infrastructure needed in a relatively cheap, secure and effective way before shipping in humans.