
Ноя 22, 18 / Sag 18, 02 00:43 UTC

Re:world goals..  

These are dreams)

Ноя 26, 18 / Sag 22, 02 16:49 UTC

I agree with you this is not a dream is a real possibility

Asgardia may be the achievement of this goal

The Asteroid Field is very vast and has endless resources

Asteroid mining can generate a lot of income from the resources obtained

profits from the sale of asteroid mining products could be reverted to social benefits, hospitals, remedies, improvement of public infrastructure, decent housing, and the development of agricultural technology for the production of quality, cheap organic food

because the mining of asteroids has to be a task carried out by a group of societies that would create an international state monopoly, ensuring that the resources obtained are used in the development of humanity and not to fill the pockets of the rich

companies have an important role in supplying machines, robots, rockets, computers, food, water, and technological supplies, ensuring their profits.

The state-owned international monopoly of asteroid mining would be administered by a public council of ordinary citizens to prevent fraud and ensure transparency in the distribution of resources among its partners