
Мар 6, 17 / Ari 09, 01 16:15 UTC

Thoughts from a citizen who suffers with depression  

Looking up i can see the the darkness between the stars

while all around me i hear the sound of roaring cars

The silence of space it seems to beckon for me to ascend

leaving this place for i have no family nor even a friend

A new beginning a time to become a better version a 2.0

I will enjoy the experience and thrive in space this i know

So unleash your rocket and let me aboard

the future i dream of can then be assured



  Последние изменения внесены:  alan white (Asgardian)  на Мар 6, 17 / Ari 09, 01 16:16 UTC, всего отредактировано 1 раз

Мар 6, 17 / Ari 09, 01 19:45 UTC

I read this, and thought, 'Yeah, that's how it feels sometimes." Great words. Thank you for posting that. I know I have a problem during winter with depression, and have been excited more since I've come on board Asgardia. It's been helpful to talk/work with others to help pull myself out of it.

Мар 11, 17 / Ari 14, 01 18:49 UTC

Glad its not keeping you down as it does many of us.The thing that is important is that we never should forget we can pull our selves from out of the deepest darkest depression and as you so rightly said things such as being a part of this great endeavour help so much. Thank you for your kind words.

  Последние изменения внесены:  alan white (Asgardian)  на Мар 11, 17 / Ari 14, 01 18:49 UTC, всего отредактировано 1 раз