
Апр 4, 17 / Tau 10, 01 01:02 UTC

Re: Civilian conceal carry of weapons  


Nothing personal but you are mistaken, I have only been arguing a point that is similar to yours, I was not on anyone's side. I am Switzerland in the respect that I am neutral


I would say the real problem is those who would rather not see weapons in Asgardia, or at least not in the hands of citizens of sound mind. Have convinced themselves that their desire to live in such an environment is greater than that of people with the opposite desire and think only their desires should matter. It's the same flawed human thought process that causes trouble here on Earth. I do not deny that people should be free to live in peace. Everyone has that right however, not if it comes at the expense of the rights of others. Honestly, there really is no way of resolving the difference in opinion in this case. The best that can be done is a choice offered to folks to either carry a weapon or not to carry a weapon. Making it so people either have to carry or are not allowed to do so will only cause trouble. By giving the impression that the desires of one group of folks is more important than that of others and that causes separations amongst people. Something Asgardia wishes to avoid, so, in that regard I change my initial suggestion to one that supports both parties being given the ability to choose what they will do regarding weapons and maintain that if they should choose to cary a weapon whatever it maybe, that they be properly trained in it's use and upkeep

  Обновлено  на Апр 4, 17 / Tau 10, 01 01:26 UTC, всего отредактировано 1 раз

Апр 4, 17 / Tau 10, 01 01:47 UTC

I hope that I haven't given the impression that only my side of the argument matters. That definitely was not my intention. I've only been attempting to present a perspective of this important issue, as I know you have.

My fear is that at some point in the future, people will be faced with a choice as to whether they cease their involvement with Asgardia or compromise their own beliefs to continue to be part of Asgardia. This is what I have tried to highlight with my hypothetical question. Unfortunately, this issue also seems to be one of those issues where there does not seem to be a middle ground that both camps can live with.

In short - there is no easy answer to this one.

Апр 4, 17 / Tau 10, 01 02:48 UTC

Brandon and scarbs your both right and got points, I see what both of what you mean, let's agree that weapons are not a bad idea but the fact is we would need to be strict with it and given a choice but we need to limit the uses and what's available which in would more than understand. Scarbs I understand where your coming from, I know you support our right to conceal weapons but there's a few bad facts about it and I'm sorry I made you sound selfish if that's what you meant, honestly guns don't have to be a option, batons are okay with me. So are we good guys? No more arguing and put this behind us? Become good friends and respect eachother?

Апр 4, 17 / Tau 10, 01 03:46 UTC

No worries Scarb you did not, I was merely pointing out how a group insisting that their way be the only way causes problems. To be honest I think the same thing regarding people and what sacrifices they may have to make if they remain part of Asgardia.


I have not been arguing with anyone, I have always considered this a discussion. Valid points were made on both sides but, the issue itself is one of those tricky grey areas and that made it seem like folks were arguing

  Обновлено  на Апр 4, 17 / Tau 10, 01 03:47 UTC, всего отредактировано 1 раз

Апр 4, 17 / Tau 10, 01 14:51 UTC

I'm not telling what others have to say, to do, or even to think in any way. @Boonejohn97 made a question, I just gave an answer, trying to reasoning a little: that's what I think, not what you have to think as, I presume, both us are free to think and to write here our reasons.
To make it even more simple: my first post, here, is what I'll vote for, in the case there will be a poll on the subject.
I'm aware that, if I'm not relaxed knowing there are citizens carrying weapons nearby, you may be not relaxed knowing I'm around without them. Let's leave to Asgardia's people any final answer.

Апр 4, 17 / Tau 10, 01 16:22 UTC

As an individual no you were not and I will always readily admit that, but I was referring to a group of people in that example. Anyway, this is a complicated subject and before anyone in a position of authority can decide on how to address it, we the people must first find some kind of middle ground. For now though, let's just let the subject rest

Апр 4, 17 / Tau 10, 01 19:25 UTC

Guys come on let's focus on important stuff

Июн 9, 17 / Can 20, 01 17:15 UTC

Let every human carry a gun inside the stations, and then let the attackers, or a system failure mess with the air (oxygen and other gas levels), or inject a random person with a drug and see what the effects of hallucinating gun nuts would do to each other.

This project is bound for failure if the mindset of station dwellers is to shoot the next person in the face before they shoot me.

I'm not against Asgardians being able to get a license to carry a weapon in Asgardian territory, but it is my conviction that all guns should be forbidden to circulate freely and unaccounted inside the stations. If there are to be guns inside the station, they should be stored and secured, and accessible only to a very restrict group of people (security).

People inside the station should be aware that the risk they take by living in space could be immediate death, by any source. If there happens to be a breach in security and an attacker find its way inside and chooses to physically attack an individual, instead of relying in civilians to start waving weapons or shooting projectiles, a true fearless and peacefull society, living inside a space station would sacrifice the attacked person(s), if there was no other peaceful solution, and conceal (lock) the area where the attacker was, and then let security assess the situation.

The first reaction of an Asgardian would be the protection of the whole, and not of the individual. So in detecting a threat, the civilian duty should be to sound the alarm and/or contain the threat.

In your line of thought, would you also suggest that every station dweller carry a defibrillator, fire extiguisher, a wrench, an EVA suit? A heart attack or a fire could be right around the corner.

Июн 11, 17 / Can 22, 01 03:23 UTC

Holy hell this thread is unbelievable. I only have one point to make here, than I'm gone to let you fight amongst yourselves. Firearms are not compatible with living in a vacuum environment. One puncture, one breach, and everyone could be dead. Weapons can and should be available but in such a fashion as to not threaten the entire habitat. Fight on.

Июн 11, 17 / Can 22, 01 04:24 UTC

Thats what we mean, it doesn't have to be a gun, I can be baton or tazer but people just thing any weapon is so people can kill. And honestly we all know that's not true

  Последние изменения внесены:  Boone Johnson (Asgardian)  на Июн 11, 17 / Can 22, 01 04:28 UTC, всего отредактировано 1 раз

Июн 16, 17 / Can 27, 01 02:57 UTC

Firearms shouldn't be allowed to any regular citizen of Asgardia.

It's a new country, we don't need people inside of it carrying guns unless you're law enforcement.

We don't even know how many people would be the 1st Gen Asgardians, to be honest. So we need to chill with the trigger finger.

At the same time, I do believe Self-Defense and more technical army stuff should be part of the curriculum in Asgardia. After all, our constitution states we are a line of defense against any type of outer space threats, and even if I don't believe Aliens would come to us not even in 500 years, we need to know how to handle things.

Also, better a fistfight to solve something than a firefight.


Июн 17, 17 / Leo 00, 01 23:00 UTC

I read you comment through and I agree , we should slowly move to a major defensent though

Июн 19, 17 / Leo 02, 01 02:58 UTC

I agree with the idea of open/concealed carry. However, considering that asgardia will be a space station, it seems very dangerous to use any kind of firearm on board. Maybe an alternative could be a shock stick or some kind of weapon. Now, I don't know if hollow points would go through the hull of the ship, but if it does not, then I agree with citizens having concealed carry/open carry.

Июн 20, 17 / Leo 03, 01 08:50 UTC

As a firearm owner I conceal carry on a regular basis. However, Asgardia has an entire culture built on peace. Firearms should not be allowed on the arks, but instead allow CO2 riot weapons or tazers for emergencies. Standard security or police should only be allowed shock batons or hand tazers. I think that citizens should be allowed to carry some form of protective weapon, like the police or less offensive like a standard baton. Introducing knives as a self defence weapon is a bad idea as they are just as likely to be used as an offensive weapon. 

If there are any forms of firearms, they should be a small quantity and only used by an elite unit similar to the US SWAT in extreme conditions.

Июн 20, 17 / Leo 03, 01 08:52 UTC

As a firearm owner I conceal carry on a regular basis. However, Asgardia has an entire culture built on peace. Firearms should not be allowed on the arks, but instead allow CO2 riot weapons or tazers for emergencies. Standard security or police should only be allowed shock batons or hand tazers. I think that citizens should be allowed to carry some form of protective weapon, like the police or less offensive like a standard baton, but never concealed. Introducing knives as a self defence weapon is a bad idea as they are just as likely to be used as an offensive weapon. 

If there are any forms of firearms, they should be a small quantity and only used by an elite unit similar to the US SWAT in extreme conditions.