
Июл 9, 17 / Leo 22, 01 17:50 UTC


Hola! My name is Brian and I wanted to give a nice, heart-felt hello to everyone here. I'm glad to be a part of this nation and hope to see many positive aspects come about from this growing unity. :)

I am a technologist working mainly in the areas of web development, software engineering, and robotics (predominantly general AI). I like to read philosophy, compose music, and am an avid collector of many things from coins to knives. I hope to one day see a nation of people that strive for the betterment of themselves and others through cooperation, respect, and understanding. May Asgardia be a nation that many of us dream it can be!

Июл 10, 17 / Leo 23, 01 15:23 UTC

Hello Brian and Welcome to the Asgardia Forums!

We have many discussions and projects happening at the moment. We welcome your ideas. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the Code of Conduct if you haven’t already. Make sure to keep up with Asgardia News and AnnouncementsLet us know if you have any questions.