
Дек 22, 16 / Cap 21, 00 20:52 UTC

Hi from the Netherlands  

Hey everyone, I'm also a first time poster here, though I've been lurking about.

I just hope that with the forums being up, we can make something great out of Asgardia together as one united people. I seriously love this idea.

Enjoy and have a great life. Until we meet in real.

Дек 22, 16 / Cap 21, 00 21:10 UTC

Hello and welcome to the forum!

Дек 23, 16 / Cap 22, 00 15:45 UTC

Ill just add my greetings with the other Dutch people.

Tim here, also from the Netherland, really like the possiblities of Asgardia, hoping it will all work out and no matter what will enjoy the ride! I am experienced in the fields of business intelligence and sustainablity. I have created a sustainability reporting platform and hope to apply my knowledge where applicable.