
simon Santana

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Re: Discussion of the draft Constitution
Июн 2, 17 / Can 13, 01 05:27 UTC
Re: Discussion of the draft Constitution
Май 27, 17 / Can 07, 01 19:42 UTC
Re: Discussion of the draft Constitution
Май 27, 17 / Can 07, 01 19:36 UTC
Re: Developing a space law enforcing ship.
Май 8, 17 / Gem 16, 01 16:33 UTC
Re: If we came into contact with a Galactic Federation
Май 8, 17 / Gem 16, 01 16:23 UTC
Re: The Asgardian CJS on Necrophilia
Май 3, 17 / Gem 11, 01 18:29 UTC
Re: Punish Corruption with Death, By Law!!
Май 3, 17 / Gem 11, 01 18:13 UTC