
Tim Dekker

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Re: Could Bitcoin be our official currency?
Янв 22, 17 / Aqu 22, 01 16:56 UTC
Re: Nuclear weapons and Asgardia
Янв 22, 17 / Aqu 22, 01 16:39 UTC
Re: Space Tourism
Янв 15, 17 / Aqu 15, 01 12:55 UTC
Re: Arcturian Industries: Asgardia's first business!
Дек 26, 16 / Cap 25, 00 08:35 UTC
Re: Eliminate the monetary system and here's why.
Дек 25, 16 / Cap 24, 00 23:14 UTC
Re: Ethics on what it is learned
Дек 24, 16 / Cap 23, 00 07:21 UTC
Re: Hi from the Netherlands
Дек 23, 16 / Cap 22, 00 15:45 UTC