
Richard Deckard

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Недавние посты
Re: How to Explicitly Reject the Constitution?
Июн 17, 17 / Leo 00, 01 12:34 UTC
Re: Eliminate the monetary system and here's why.
Фев 11, 17 / Pis 14, 01 16:45 UTC
Re: The Constitution of Asgardia (proposal)
Фев 10, 17 / Pis 13, 01 03:02 UTC
Re: The Constitution of Asgardia (proposal)
Фев 10, 17 / Pis 13, 01 02:50 UTC
Re: The Constitution of Asgardia (proposal)
Фев 7, 17 / Pis 10, 01 21:16 UTC
Re: Code of Ethics
Фев 3, 17 / Pis 06, 01 15:01 UTC
Structural Observations
Янв 28, 17 / Pis 00, 01 18:55 UTC