
Янв 28, 17 / Pis 00, 01 18:55 UTC

Structural Observations  

I see a lot of discussion of 'direct democracy' but really it's been forums full of tyrants in waiting to tell the people what they can't do rather than a solid and honest debate about how to structure and limit the government today and for tomorrows generations while preserving the maximum amount of freedoms and mobility for the peoples to come. The governments powers are finite, the peoples are limitless.

A quick scan of some of the forum topics and comments:

No banks; no money; digital money with hard assets

discussions about mandatory taxes

discussions of wealth limits or allowable maximum personal wealth accumulation (i.e. 'credits') with enforced overage donation to a 'government charity'

talk of full time security monitoring and monitors; awarding of good deeds points (??? big brother ???)

Death penalty for corruption; discussions about crimes, penal codes and forced labor

Population controls

the draft

discussions on employment, marriage, minors and AI right

voting systems, methods and minimums; mandatory voting

Citizens rights; Citizens 'obligations' such as being peaceful and orderly...

Government of and by 'Experts'; Office holders only by the educated or informed electorate; Random or possibly average citizen banned or discouraged from participating in government

So why are we already trying to forge the bars of our own prison before the first citizen is born?

I'm a big fan of Jefferson and the concept of a small and constrained government with clearly enumerated powers.

Though we do not have 'states' at this time we should consider that someday the 'country' of Asgardia may span several structures across a vast distance and these semi-independent 'colonies' may not want to answer to a central authority and structure our national charter to acknowledge the potential for sovereign states and the rights they are due, (similar to the U.S. 10th amendment though I would clarify that the people are above the State).

We need a discussion on the structure of government, will we have a congress, a parliament, will the 12 ministries be held over, do we elect our judges? Shall we codify term limits? Who speaks for the nation, an elected executive or will it be a chief minister from the 12? Would we keep the structure of the 12 if we chose a parliamentary/congress 3 branch style or would we structure our government as one with 12 seats who then choose from themselves an executive or chief minister?

These are the discussions I think we need to be having in a Constitutional Forum; once we secure the form and limitations of our government, then we can codify our inalienable rights.

Янв 30, 17 / Pis 02, 01 00:28 UTC

I agree. We need a government, not a moral utopia. And it needs to be conventional enough that people have confidence that it can keep us alive in space.