
Дек 22, 16 / Cap 21, 00 23:05 UTC

up vote comments  

Probably not the place to ask this question but can they add a way to up vote forum comments? It would ensure that good topics Can be easily found to be read by others. Too hard to read through 500000 people's random comments to filter out the good ideas for discussion.

Дек 23, 16 / Cap 22, 00 04:55 UTC

That'd possibly be a good idea, if there was actually comments.

Or if you could trust random third parties to decide for you what you think is a good topic.

Дек 23, 16 / Cap 22, 00 05:12 UTC

Not thinking quite so sinical lol more like Quora.

It would be easier to get involved in conversations that I otherwise would have to scroll through several pages of posts to find.

I go to a forum and the top of The list is conversations or topics that have been pivoted by the readers.

I just think it would help connect people to hot topics of debate.

Дек 23, 16 / Cap 22, 00 05:12 UTC

Not thinking quite so sinical lol more like Quora.

It would be easier to get involved in conversations that I otherwise would have to scroll through several pages of posts to find.

I go to a forum and the top of The list is conversations or topics that have been pivoted by the readers.

I just think it would help connect people to hot topics of debate.

Дек 23, 16 / Cap 22, 00 06:09 UTC

No, it'd just highlight things people have ticked. And how many have done so. That's all basically.

That's like saying because 100,000,000 people buy marmite every week, then marmite must be a good thing to be eating.

It's a personal preference. Just 'cause you like marmite doesn't mean I do. Personal preferences are pretty meaningless to other people, on the whole. You should concern yourself more with what you find interesting, more than what other people are interested in.

As is, it's not incredibly difficult to find things that interest you - it's organised into tidy sections. Soon there will be a search - this will allow you check for existing topics before you start a new thread, and avoiding multiple threads existing for the same topic of discussion.

P.s. It's Cynical, btw. And I'm not being "cyncial" - just making seasoned observations from the data presented. And that quora looks as shady as the ex FB punks that founded it.

Дек 23, 16 / Cap 22, 00 09:27 UTC

Done Thanks for sharing. We are gathering a list of suggestions and ideas from this forum in order to see what options our users would like to see. This is just a basic forum in order to get things running for now. We will be making improvements according to the input on this board.

Дек 23, 16 / Cap 22, 00 14:52 UTC

I would welcome a "like"-function for each post. But no kind of "upvote". Upvoting suggests "truth by masses", which must not be true in any case. A voting / like amount of a topic should also never control the position of a post in a posting list. This should not become another stackoverflow.

Дек 23, 16 / Cap 22, 00 23:26 UTC

Yes. Up voting is used to build a reputation in a discussion board. The theory is that, overall, your supporters and detractors will accurately gauge the merit of your posts. I hope to see this feature added.

Дек 24, 16 / Cap 23, 00 21:34 UTC

Agree with what nihylum said, I would like to see a "like" feature for each post so that people can say they agree with what's in the post (or thought that it was a good contribution), but I don't think we should be filtering or sorting any posts depending on how many likes they get (hopefully a report feature would be enough to keep the forum in good shape).

Дек 24, 16 / Cap 23, 00 22:05 UTC

The danger in implementing an "up vote" system similar to Reddit's Karma system, is that it can stifle open discussion and critical comments. Any unpopular posts/comments would be down voted in favor of what's deemed acceptable and "ok" to say. Giving an incentive to only say what will get you more votes instead of what you actually believe to be correct. If we want Asgardia to be what it states its desire as then our forum should be open, honest, willing to discuss at length the difficult issues and yes sometimes that makes things get heated and sometimes personal feelings fall under heel. But its better to have hotly debated topics and name calling than to sweep such things under the rug and wait for them to boil over into true conflict.

For the record, I am referencing the deletion of the Religion sub-forum. Which occurred in less than 48 hours of the forum going online. Yes I understand the desire to keep things civil, but what kind of precedent does that set? Where a discussion is simply deleted and omitted because some people got a little passionate.

I want Asgardia to be free, rational, respectful. I want us to succeed, but I'd much rather watch this thing burn to the ground than see it form into an Orwellian-dystopia where free speech and ideas are outlawed just for the sake of maintaining order. Think freely, think for yourself, do not follow the herd, strength through diversity.

Дек 27, 16 / Cap 26, 00 05:14 UTC

I concur with the 'up-voting' option. I think it helps with the person who posted their comment to see the response to their part of the conversation. It helps me in other forums to reevaluate what I said if not too many agreed with my statement; maybe then allowing me to add further commentary to attempt to clarify or allow the subject to rest. Personal opinion/preferences obviously, but still think it is a useful tool overall.

Дек 29, 16 / Cap 28, 00 19:50 UTC

I think the upvote feature would be useful. The downvote feature may be harmful on the other hand.

The issue with the downvote is that it may mean many things while the upvote is more straightforward. So, I would rather keep things simple for now and only allow upvotes.