
Май 12, 18 / Gem 20, 02 07:24 UTC

Re:active or ex military personnel  

Я являюсь офицером запаса с более чем 12 летним опытом обеспечения безопасности высокопоставленных лиц в своей стране. Моя спецификация заключалась в подготовке служебных собак и проведения с их участием специальных мероприятий по обеспечению безопасности. В настоящее время я занимаюсь подготовкой таких собак в частном порядке в русском секторе Асгардии. Если мой опыт и знания могут быть полезны в целях развития и сохранения государственности Асгардии, я с удовольствием им поделюсь во имя общего блага. 

Июн 20, 18 / Leo 03, 02 04:02 UTC

I'm currently on active duty in the United States Army. I am in the Air Defense Artillery branch, by the time I get out I'll have 4 years of experience.

Июн 29, 18 / Leo 12, 02 17:30 UTC

i have 10 yrs experience i am interested where do i sign up ?

Авг 7, 18 / Vir 23, 02 12:27 UTC

5 years in the U.S Army.  Military Police and Computer Support

Авг 18, 18 / Lib 06, 02 20:56 UTC

Guys, unless I am missing something... An active-duty soldier volunteering for the military of another non-allied nation is what we generally call a Problem.  As in, y'know, treason and subversion. Former military joining up for an armed militia formed up of folks residing in many different nations sounds real hard to distinguish from a trans-national extremist group. Look, Asgardia has no physical presence, right? No territory but a cube-sat. You want to form a company to provide security for multiple corporate sites in multiple nations, cool, you're security guards and more power to you. Want to form an Army/Navy/Space Force resident on someone else's sovereign state? Threat. Chill out, guys.

Сен 2, 18 / Lib 21, 02 13:55 UTC

Served 2 years in the Canadian army as a platoon signaller & detachment member. On reserve now but re-enrolling as a Naval Warfare Officer.

Сен 1, 19 / Lib 20, 03 19:33 UTC

I have five years security experience, both in-state and overseas contracting. I am an NCO in the Signal Corps of the US Army and have been in for 10 years so far. I have a handful of friends in the Special Forces and Special Operations communities, and I manage information technology systems and user accounts, as well as operate, train, and maintain the various radio systems and antennae.

Welcome everyone, one thing I loved while overseas in the Army and as a private security contractor, is working with other nations' military and working on contract with men and women from all over the world.