
Lawrence Grabowski

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@ whoever
Июл 6, 17 / Leo 19, 01 12:55 UTC
Asgardia Website Election Tab
Июл 6, 17 / Leo 19, 01 12:48 UTC
No non-Asgardians on the forums
Июл 6, 17 / Leo 19, 01 10:31 UTC
Re: Civilian conceal carry of weapons
Июл 6, 17 / Leo 19, 01 10:10 UTC
Re: About United Nation Membership
Июл 6, 17 / Leo 19, 01 00:30 UTC
Re: Want more permission for -18 people
Июл 5, 17 / Leo 18, 01 14:11 UTC
Re: I do NOT accept the Constitution
Июл 5, 17 / Leo 18, 01 13:11 UTC
Re: Security vs Privacy
Июл 5, 17 / Leo 18, 01 12:10 UTC
Re: Age of Majority
Июл 5, 17 / Leo 18, 01 11:56 UTC
Re: UAT - Universal Asgardian Time
Июл 5, 17 / Leo 18, 01 11:24 UTC