
Июл 7, 18 / Leo 20, 02 22:03 UTC

About religion, sexual minorities and in general about people.  

We do not have time and the right to appear or solve problems such as sexual and racial prejudices. If you have time for this - then you are not Asgardians, you are an ordinary earthman, one whose peaceful existence the real Asgardian should protect.

During the resolution of serious questions (and in Asgardia all questions are serious), the Asgardian should think like an asexual / boundless being with a minimal set of feelings - strictly, logically, judiciously, without the right to complain of touching his feelings like men, women, believers, transgender and etc.

Women and men, as biologically different forms, will have all the same rights and conditions that are practiced now, associated with different physiology, that is, different loads, norms, conditions of harmfulness and labor.

But as soon as you come up with the idea of offending someone's feelings, or someone has insulted your feelings so much that you are ready or are already acting, bypassing the laws of Asgardia and the usual norms of etiquette, morality and rationality aimed at resolving the conflict - know , that perhaps you are not an Asgardian.

The Asgardian becomes an ordinary person when they realize that the development of mankind and its protection (and life in general) on Earth are the most important goals. In the society of the Asgardians, with interaction to achieve the main goals, there is no place for feelings and prejudices - here only protection, humanity, space, science, development, law and order.

If we get stuck on such simple things, then we'll wallow in the old type of society, without the chance to move to a new level.

I am not trying to insult or forbid you to be what you want to be or believe in what you want to believe, but you need to do it in your personal space and at your own time, not at the time when the survival of the earthly life depends on you.

Remember that we have a clearly stated goal - to protect the Earth and we must stream to it.

Remember that your opinion is very important, especially criticism, which allows me to look at things soberly from the other side. I really appreciate this and re-read competent answers many times, because I can be mistaken, and you can help me see the new light.

Thank you.

Июл 8, 18 / Leo 21, 02 00:13 UTC

Everyone is equal, everyone have right to believe in whatever they believe. Its carved in Constitution. There is no place for majorities and minorities (except voting, lol) or righteous fanatics. Don't see the point of raising this topic. 

  Последние изменения внесены:  Nikita Maltabar (Asgardian)  на Июл 8, 18 / Leo 21, 02 00:14 UTC, всего отредактировано 1 раз

Июл 8, 18 / Leo 21, 02 05:47 UTC

Here it is not only about minorities and equality, but about the uniqueness of awareness of oneself as the Asgardian. I also think like you, but noticed several people who do not think so and decided to concentrate attention.

Июл 9, 18 / Leo 22, 02 17:37 UTC

Напишу простым языком без всяких высокопарных слов. Если равенство для всех людей, то как я это понимаю, равенство для людей. Не уж то человек нетрадиционной ориентации не считает себя человеком? Или если кто то что то там себе отрезал, или наоборот пришил, он перестаёт быть человеком? Я не понимаю вобще в чём проблема то? Они или люди и на общих правах или нелюди и тогда я не знаю))  Зачем раздувать проблему из нечего?)) 

Июл 11, 18 / Leo 24, 02 16:10 UTC

Не было никакой проблемы, и посыл был не только в этом. Но позиция простыми словами такая же как и у вас. Пост удалю, тк для этого нашел блоги. Просто, если об этом не говорить, то не факт, что поймут правильно, даже если это написано в правильном виде, а я начал замечать, что достаточно постов на эту тему, чтобы кто-то что-то сказал. Просто хотелось донести людям, которым не понятно.