
Фев 7, 17 / Pis 10, 01 19:39 UTC

What differentiates us from earthlings?  

I mean we will be free to believe, be or not to be in asgardia, but eventually will arise disputes and debates about certain topic, some people are not open mind although they came to here. what I´m trying to say is "What differentiates us from earthlings?" they always in war because of politic, religion, racism, sexuality. How we will overcome this and be the pacific nation we want? or we will be forced to think of a certain way in order to preserv peace? We will be free or will be pacific?

PD: our human nature sucks! ;)

Фев 24, 17 / Pis 27, 01 05:17 UTC

I believe that we will be totally free, and we will be considered as a country, but always have the possibility of being blown up.

Фев 24, 17 / Pis 27, 01 13:20 UTC

We are Asgardians.

We are also Earthlings.

We are also humans.

We are also individuals.

Differentiations between 'ourselves' and 'Earthlings' are just another artificial division that can be exploited by the fear-mongering individuals we will encounter.

We have decided to become a nation dedicated to the protection of Earth. Our location and choice of venue in which to act does not make us extra-terrestrials.

Фев 26, 17 / Ari 01, 01 04:13 UTC

Currently nothing.

Eventually, there may be some eventual mutations that occur via environmental differences involved with "alternate locations".

The only differences are somewhat "social" in aspect, the "society" is born "differently" to most previous nations - a handfull of micronations aside - and thusly will "operate" differently. Having the opportunity to develop this "from scratch" should allow for eventual erradication of the more problematic "social aspects" that plague Earth - because they are seriously unsuitable for space.

Май 3, 17 / Gem 11, 01 19:11 UTC

The only difference will be that we agreed on a kind of collaboration to further an idea of human future in space. This may give Asgardians another point of view on earthly affairs.

But are we ready to let go of our roots when nations go to war? Will this generation of Asgardians still work together when our world is aflame from conflict? Humans - will they ever change?

Июн 29, 17 / Leo 12, 01 14:14 UTC

Differentiations between 'ourselves' and 'Earthlings' are just another artificial division that can be exploited by the fear-mongering individuals we will encounter.