
Янв 5, 17 / Aqu 05, 01 21:02 UTC

Do you think that basic survival skills should be compulsory?  

This will probably be relevant many years for now, but I think it's worth discussing.

Should the future education of asgardians include a compulsory course in survival skills? I'm not only talking about finding water, being able to start fires etc. I'm also referencing on being able to wear a space suit correctly, being able to use random circuitry to launch distress signals, being able to open jammed doors and all other stuff that could be useful in an emergency in space.

What do you think?

For some reason I'm unable to add a poll.

  Последние изменения внесены:  Matteo Peron (Asgardian)  на Янв 5, 17 / Aqu 05, 01 21:09 UTC, всего отредактировано 5 раз

Янв 7, 17 / Aqu 07, 01 21:13 UTC

Yes, skills should be imperative.

  1. Practice at daily basis. Self defense (defend self and others without hurting attacker) and self control (some type of meditation independent of any religion) should be practice at daily basis and not just by children but by adult too.

  2. One skill course in period of three month. Courses should not extend over three month. And among all courses that will (2a) improve job finding strength should also be included / offered courses that will (2b) improve techniques for fast reading, photographic memory, meditation independent of religion, as well as all other courses that will (2c) increase mutual understanding and respect of differences between us (as example food preparation / customs / history / language of every nation / religion / political system / etc). But also we should be educated (2d) how to recognize symptoms of different type of harmful behavior (example drug addiction), and how to interpreting microexpressions.

  3. Once per year. Topic 2 should include one of courses from area of public security by choice of individual. Among these courses should be provided courses for public (3a) by military (self defense), civil security (self defense), police (self defense), (3b) criminal investigators (anti-corruption methods and anti-organized criminal methods), lawyers (better understanding of society, especially of the constitution), (3c) fireman (emergency respond), health services (emergency respond), and other security services we will have (emergency respond).

  4. In period of one year everyone should pick area to work as volunteer. So we can learn/practice/provide one or more of (4a) production of food and other resources to sustain life for needs of self and to support needs of at least three other persons that do not belong to family (by that children should learn to be independent and share with others, we should be nation of compassion), (4b) know how to preserve extra food and resources for future, (4c) produce secondary food (oil, vinegar, etc) other resources to sustain life (air, water etc), first aid medicine (antibiotics, medical alcholhol, etc), health substances (soap,clothes, rope, etc) at home, (4d) educate self how to help others (old, individuals with special needs, participate in process of rehabilitation, etc) ... ... ... We as nation should discover safe, easy to manufacture, small devices to produce secondary food and resources at home (oil, flour, vinegar, alcohol for medical purposes, antibiotics for first aid etc). I am not saying that we should all have that devices at home, but we all should know how to use them, what are positive and negative effects of that type of production, and how to sustain life of one or more people if that is needed. At space, that knowledge will be something as first aid knowledge today.

  5. How to put in the work technological devices for communication and production of electricity. Many of this is specific knowledge so we should develop manuals and protocols that should help to survive in emergency situations. All that manuals together should be designed that way that also provide necessary help that civilization after possible cataclysmic event do not restart self (that do not need again learn from nothing what chemistry is, phisical laws, DNA, antibiotics, etc.)

  Последние изменения внесены:  Tomislava Lovakovic (Asgardian)  на Янв 7, 17 / Aqu 07, 01 21:35 UTC, всего отредактировано 6 раз

Фев 15, 17 / Pis 18, 01 16:09 UTC

Everybody should know the basic survival skills in asgardia.It will be very useful to asgardians online teaching may be start.thanks

Фев 19, 17 / Pis 22, 01 21:22 UTC

Yes classes that teach basic and more advanced survival skills should be mandatory for Asgardian schools starting in Elementary and continuing through college. Also classes that teach self defense should be reauired to teach how to approach the subject as quickly and non lethaly as possible. However, lethal self defense skills should also be taught considering they maybe needed. Being able to identify when lethal skills are needed and when the threat has ended should also be mandatory. So unnecessary deaths and permanent injury can be avoided

Фев 20, 17 / Pis 23, 01 07:20 UTC

Skills are certainly a good thing, and the more numerous across a wider range the better. It's hard to locate disadvantages.

Using random circuitry to send a distress signal isn't happening - and such plots in films are commonly a source of amusment to myself - you need specific things for this to happen. That's not to say these things will not exist, but just grabbing random things and wiring them together isn't likely to be good. Additional to how to spot the difference between a capacitor and a timing crystal, being able to pick out a 555 timer - or even what you would want to be doing with these - education on basic principles of signals and signal encoding would be required in order to transmit something intelligable. Like many other things, it draws on much previous knowlege to become workable. Opening a jammed door is easier when you know how the door mechanism is designed to operate. You don't end up pushing when you should be sliding it sideways. The operating principles of things, and the understanding of, is what allows for "effective repurposement in inconsiderate situations".

Being able to wear a space suit incorrectly is quite frankly poor design. Current space suits are kind of unsuitable for general civillian use, and take much effort to get on. There's already tangible efforts in redesigning this, there have been some improvements already, and we should definitely be taking a stab at this soon as it's not as if we can be cloning their designs rightly unless these are open sourced, and we will ideally be requiring these.