
Фев 23, 17 / Pis 26, 01 16:24 UTC

Re: Learn or teach another language via the forums? Você está interessado em aprender ou ensinar uma língua nos fóruns? ¿Estás interesado en Aprender o Enseñar un Idioma en los Foros? Хотите ли вы Изучать или Преподавать язык на Форумах?  

As a native Dutch speaker, I can teach people Dutch. I can also teach French and English.

Would like to learn Spanish!


Фев 23, 17 / Pis 26, 01 16:50 UTC

I am well-versed in English, and know how to teach, but know very little of other languages (a smattering of Spanish, German, French, and Croatian I have learned in my travels).

I would be interested in learning new languages, but have difficulty in doing so. Perhaps I am a bit too old, but I think it is more related to my autism-related thinking causing difficulties in communication.

Мар 1, 17 / Ari 04, 01 10:19 UTC

i know a forum is kind of a bad idea to try to teach a language

Actually, I've seen it done a few times, and IRC - and in all honesty, they tend to exhibit better English than the average English person in a large number of cases. Which is actually impressive since they started with pretty much none. IMHO it lines up as a proof of concept - it's viable.

Don't seem to do incredibly well with the spoken form - but once you can read it learning pronounciation rules etc can't be too difficult. Things like youtube are a "better" tool for this facet, certainly. Things like google translate might assist with pronounciation text, too.

Мар 10, 17 / Ari 13, 01 18:28 UTC

I think practicing reading, writing and maybe even speaking and listening through the forums is a very good idea. However, there is also a susbtantial amount of material out there that can complement the learning / teaching of a new language.

For example, I highly recommend the "Pimsleur" method for speaking and listening. With it I learned French and I'm currently learning Japanese. It really makes learning easy and fun. You can use useful frases right away and you can use it while commuting. It can be found lying around o the internet, together with many other useful books and language-related material. I have both the Japanese and the French CD's, of course.

I used to be an English teacher in México, and could volunteer to teach Spanish or English. I'm interested in learning Japanese :)

Мар 11, 17 / Ari 14, 01 14:58 UTC

Speaking and listening is a little difficult with the provided tools - however things like translate.google.com should allow for some use. Maybe one day someone in the admin team will take the ten mins or so it'd take to roll out a secure, trustable communications suite.

If it wasn't for the likely copyright breach I cannot be seen to condone, I would of suggested that such CD's be replicated and proliferated for more general consuption. If people are observant, they may be able to indepentantly occur such media already placed into a more sensible format like .mp3.

There's some interesting quirks to .jp - like having an audiable question mark - but from what I've learned it seems quite a "nice" language almost poetic in construct.

Апр 2, 17 / Tau 08, 01 12:51 UTC

I would like to learn Vietnamese.  

Апр 5, 17 / Tau 11, 01 16:37 UTC

hello ,, i would like to learn english ... my english not good enough to understand all topics and all new news . i use usually google translation but i cant understand 100% 

soo if anyone can help me messege iam from egypt and my language arabic .. :)

Май 8, 17 / Gem 16, 01 14:29 UTC

It would be useful if Asgardia had a main&backup language & should provide free online tuition to learn both, maybe do a poll to see which two should be default.

Май 12, 17 / Gem 20, 01 19:53 UTC

I taught English as a foreign language for a few years and would love the opportunity to do it, again. Not sure how to do that through forums or if I have the time to do it through videos (day job and family obligations). I can answer questions about syntax, grammar, and vocabulary. My wife is an editor and transcriptionist, so any question I can't answer, she can. :)

I imagine knowing the language of other Asgardians would be very beneficial. I think either Cantonese or Mandarin would be my preferred third language.

Июн 16, 17 / Can 27, 01 16:19 UTC

Hello, I am a certified English teacher and translator and I offer my help either for teaching English and Spanish or for translating the diferent documents or articles you may submitt me. I've noticed the Spanish texts need a little polishing! 

Have a nice day 

Июн 27, 17 / Leo 10, 01 11:42 UTC


By the way, I can teach chinese, and I am learning German.  I think this idea is excellent as we come from different countries, a perfect language corner.

Ноя 17, 17 / Sag 13, 01 20:01 UTC

Dear all Asgardians good evening,

i don't know if it's to late to post on this 5 month old thread. i'm interested on learn mandarin and/or russian as well.
On the meantime i can help ( not teach ) some italian "student".

@Alan Player, please add, if you want the Italian translation on the first post. :)

TITLE - - Imparare o insegnare un'altra lingua attraverso il forum?

Saluti a voi amici Asgardiani!

Il team di moderazione ha visto molte conversazioni riguardanti Asgardia, lingue e quale dovrebbe essere la lingua ufficiale.
Questo ha fatto nascere un idea nel Team. Potremmo organizzare una nuova sezione nel forum specifica per quegli Asgardiani a cui piacerebbe imparare una nuova lingua o vorrebbero assisre nell'insegnamento di una lingua di qualche altro membro.

Lo scopo di questo post è di misurare, se c'è, il livello d'interesse nell'uso del Forum di Asgardia per iniziare ad imparare una nuova lingua. Se ci sarà abbastanza interesse sottoporremo una proposta ad "Asgardia Official" per avere un nuovo thread creato per questo scopo. A questo stadio nulla è stato ufficialmente acconsentito o approvato. E' puramente un esercizio-test per vedere il grado d'interesse. Dovremo sviluppare un piano su come sia possibile lavorare usando il forum.
Usate il sondaggio qui sopra per misurare l'interesse.
Dovete selezionare 2 opzioni. 1 se volete o non volete imparare una nuova lingua e una se siete disposti o no ad aiutare nell'insegnamento di una lingua.
Siamo anche aperti all'ascolto delle vostre idee. Quindi scrivetele qui sotto.

Ноя 17, 17 / Sag 13, 01 20:02 UTC

Dear all Asgardians good evening,

i don't know if it's to late to post on this 5 month old thread. i'm interested on learn mandarin and/or russian as well.
On the meantime i can help ( not teach ) some italian "student".

@Alan Player, please add, if you want the Italian translation on the first post. :)

TITLE - - Imparare o insegnare un'altra lingua attraverso il forum?

Saluti a voi amici Asgardiani!

Il team di moderazione ha visto molte conversazioni riguardanti Asgardia, lingue e quale dovrebbe essere la lingua ufficiale.
Questo ha fatto nascere un idea nel Team. Potremmo organizzare una nuova sezione nel forum specifica per quegli Asgardiani a cui piacerebbe imparare una nuova lingua o vorrebbero assisre nell'insegnamento di una lingua di qualche altro membro.

Lo scopo di questo post è di misurare, se c'è, il livello d'interesse nell'uso del Forum di Asgardia per iniziare ad imparare una nuova lingua. Se ci sarà abbastanza interesse sottoporremo una proposta ad "Asgardia Official" per avere un nuovo thread creato per questo scopo. A questo stadio nulla è stato ufficialmente acconsentito o approvato. E' puramente un esercizio-test per vedere il grado d'interesse. Dovremo sviluppare un piano su come sia possibile lavorare usando il forum.
Usate il sondaggio qui sopra per misurare l'interesse.
Dovete selezionare 2 opzioni. 1 se volete o non volete imparare una nuova lingua e una se siete disposti o no ad aiutare nell'insegnamento di una lingua.
Siamo anche aperti all'ascolto delle vostre idee. Quindi scrivetele qui sotto.

Дек 20, 17 / Cap 18, 01 19:06 UTC

ASGARDIA needs a own language .Asgardian Language Academy.

Июн 13, 18 / Can 24, 02 12:16 UTC

I like your idea ! I could teach French for people interested.