
Авг 22, 18 / Lib 10, 02 16:54 UTC

Hey, how do I vote for mayor?  

When I go to what I think is the voting page, it gives me the opportunity to become a candidate for my city but not to cast a vote. Or are you only allowed to vote for your local representative? It's true we don't have a candidate. On the other hand I see that there have been 34 votes cast from my city. Thanks.

Авг 31, 18 / Lib 19, 02 03:58 UTC


On the right hand side of the side it will be written See all candidates and vote for your favorite mayor

Авг 31, 18 / Lib 19, 02 03:59 UTC

Deepa You need to vote for the constitution in order to take part in the elections

Сен 6, 18 / Lib 25, 02 13:07 UTC

Hi Deepa, there is also a lot of helpful information in this article:

Election of Asgardia's Mayors - A Guide:


There are a lot of helpful information in there. 

  Последние изменения внесены:  Mandi Gould (Asgardian, Candidate)  на Сен 6, 18 / Lib 25, 02 13:22 UTC, всего отредактировано 7 раз
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