
Дек 28, 16 / Cap 27, 00 15:56 UTC

applying for  

I want to become refugees.Please help me

Дек 28, 16 / Cap 27, 00 17:45 UTC

Thank you for your interest in Asgardia: the Space Nation.

We know a person can have many important reasons to change their citizenship or to apply for political asylum. For now, Asgardia is not an independent nation recognized by the United Nations. We have no formal diplomatic relations and cannot issue legal passports.

If you require urgent assistance, please contact your nation's departments of international relations, a foreign embassy, or the immigration division of a foreign government.

We wish you safety and peace.

Дек 28, 16 / Cap 27, 00 19:27 UTC

Tanks. If I go to embassies I can go to Asgardya?

Дек 26, 18 / Cap 24, 02 19:29 UTC

We should already have embassies, or at least places where people can go to collect their passports. but this is a situation that becomes common when we have a fixed territory