
Ноя 19, 17 / Sag 15, 01 23:01 UTC

Citizens? Ridiculous!  

"Asgardia" does not have citizens. "Asgardia" has user accounts, and it doesn't really look like there are very many active user accounts either...

Proof: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/rankorder/2119rank.html

Yup, no mention of "Asgardia"

Fun fact: FaceBook has billions of users and multiple satallites, and they aren't a "nation" yet. Huh... Go figure...

Дек 4, 17 / Cap 02, 01 07:14 UTC

Ok Negative Nancy 🙄 why did you sign up to be an Asgardian? Hope tomorrow you have a better day 🙂