
Окт 8, 17 / Oph 01, 01 13:33 UTC

How will your date of birth be written on your passports?  

Most Asgard citizens were born long before the asgardian calendar appeared !!!

So how and what date will be written in each asgardian's passport? The date as it appears in the Asgardian or Gregorian calendar, or both ???

I'm waiting for your answers below !!!

Дек 19, 17 / Cap 17, 01 19:43 UTC

I would expect both dates otherwise they would become borderline useless.

Мар 4, 18 / Ari 07, 02 12:21 UTC

What about write the D.O.B in Gregorian (for Earth), Holocene and Asgardian for Asgardia. DD MM (Y)YYYY would probably be the most appropriate order.