
Amir Salehi

найдено 18 постов

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Недавние посты
Re: Discord and Steam group!
Сен 7, 17 / Lib 26, 01 21:43 UTC
Re: Will asgardia send us anything similar to passports?
Июл 22, 17 / Vir 07, 01 10:38 UTC
Permission to Upload Incorrect Status
Июн 15, 17 / Can 26, 01 20:25 UTC
Re: Community Contributors of the Constitution Draft
Июн 9, 17 / Can 20, 01 23:04 UTC
Re: Discussion of the draft Constitution
Май 23, 17 / Can 03, 01 21:48 UTC
Re: BUILD YOUR CHARACTER - who would you be?
Май 11, 17 / Gem 19, 01 00:59 UTC
Re: CHRONICLES - Verification
Апр 11, 17 / Tau 17, 01 18:24 UTC
Re: New formatting bar is great!
Апр 7, 17 / Tau 13, 01 05:49 UTC
Has the Asgardian Youtube channel been hijacked?
Апр 6, 17 / Tau 12, 01 23:26 UTC
Re: Decree N3 by The Asgardia Head of Nation
Мар 19, 17 / Ari 22, 01 17:14 UTC
Re: Strongest/weakest attributes
Янв 11, 17 / Aqu 11, 01 19:41 UTC