
David Shahal

найдено 60 постов

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Июл 15, 17 / Vir 00, 01 23:46 UTC
Re: Asgardia - Space Station
Июл 14, 17 / Leo 27, 01 14:14 UTC
Re: Wireless Electricity on Asgardia?
Июл 10, 17 / Leo 23, 01 19:53 UTC
Re: Wireless Electricity on Asgardia?
Июл 10, 17 / Leo 23, 01 01:37 UTC
Re: Wireless Electricity on Asgardia?
Июл 8, 17 / Leo 21, 01 16:38 UTC
Re: Any Official Asgardian Projects?
Июл 8, 17 / Leo 21, 01 15:51 UTC
Re: Wireless Electricity on Asgardia?
Июл 8, 17 / Leo 21, 01 15:40 UTC
Re: Programmers will be the back bone of Asgardia
Июл 8, 17 / Leo 21, 01 15:31 UTC
Re: Asgardia - Space Station
Июл 8, 17 / Leo 21, 01 14:54 UTC
Июл 8, 17 / Leo 21, 01 12:37 UTC
Re: Asgardia - Space Station
Июл 7, 17 / Leo 20, 01 17:05 UTC
Re: Asgardia - Space Station
Июл 7, 17 / Leo 20, 01 16:59 UTC
Re: Asgardia Grants!
Июл 7, 17 / Leo 20, 01 16:55 UTC