
Prajogi Iskandar

найдено 79 постов

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Недавние посты
Re: Funding
Сен 5, 17 / Lib 24, 01 14:59 UTC
Re: Asgardia Publication House
Сен 5, 17 / Lib 24, 01 13:48 UTC
Re: Asgardia Publication House
Сен 5, 17 / Lib 24, 01 13:45 UTC
Re: ¿What to Work in Asgardia ?
Сен 5, 17 / Lib 24, 01 12:02 UTC
Re: Ditching Traditional Currency
Сен 5, 17 / Lib 24, 01 11:36 UTC
Re: Taxes
Сен 5, 17 / Lib 24, 01 07:12 UTC
Re: Should we start an "e-store"?
Сен 4, 17 / Lib 23, 01 15:42 UTC
Re: Meet the Staff of Voices of Asgardia
Сен 4, 17 / Lib 23, 01 15:16 UTC
Re: Taxes
Сен 4, 17 / Lib 23, 01 15:10 UTC
Re: Personal/collective security
Сен 2, 17 / Lib 21, 01 09:14 UTC
Re: No non-Asgardians on the forums
Сен 2, 17 / Lib 21, 01 09:10 UTC
Re: PSA - Online Safety
Авг 24, 17 / Lib 12, 01 10:42 UTC