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Deurne, Antwerp, Belgium
May 17, 23 / Gem 25, 07 02:34 UTC
i have updated my info on my profile.. seems i would fit in manufacturing.. grtz,dirk
Jun 10, 23 / Can 21, 07 00:52 UTC
Hello Friend, I hope I can count on your Vote for Parliament!! Let’s make sure Asgardia is successful together. I have an open door policy and ready to answer and address any questions you may have or issues you might encounter. Thank you for your vote!! Best Wishes, Daniel Ekwevi
May 16, 23 / Gem 24, 07 12:54 UTC
if someone wants to do advertising in the forum they should pay a fee to display on the dashboard.. if they do not pay the fee they are standard put in the advertising waiting folder.. grtz,dirk
May 16, 23 / Gem 24, 07 10:09 UTC
i signed in as amp.. lets see what happens.. grtz,dirk
May 16, 23 / Gem 24, 07 10:15 UTC
May 14, 23 / Gem 22, 07 08:43 UTC
today an important clarification has to be made to the whole world.. namely that mother earth like humans call it.. has the same meaning as the phrase the living god.. both are the same.. our souls and environment come from the same oneness and unity.. our purpose is to live ...
Jun 10, 23 / Can 21, 07 00:53 UTC
Hello Friend, I hope I can count on your Vote for Parliament!! Let’s make sure Asgardia is successful together. I have an open door policy and ready to answer and address any questions you may have or issues you might encounter. Thank you for your vote!! Best Wishes, Daniel Ekwevi
May 13, 23 / Gem 21, 07 18:52 UTC
we place a black board in space.. add advertisings on the board.. and put it in the visors of space stations.. ask some fee.. grtz,dirk
Jun 10, 23 / Can 21, 07 00:53 UTC
Hello Friend, I hope I can count on your Vote for Parliament!! Let’s make sure Asgardia is successful together. I have an open door policy and ready to answer and address any questions you may have or issues you might encounter. Thank you for your vote!! Best Wishes, Daniel Ekwevi
May 13, 23 / Gem 21, 07 17:04 UTC
space as we see it.. but space is also sound apart from licht.. light is frequency.. sound is waves.. that is why the next science evolution is research of waves in space.. if light is the circle around then waves are the circle at the equator of that same 3D ...
May 13, 23 / Gem 21, 07 16:37 UTC
if our sun goes novae then jupiter and saturn will be the next stars.. we have to preserve life and freeze it in at a save distance from those two.. ones the heat reaches the frozen life it can start a new beginning in a star system with two stars ...
May 13, 23 / Gem 21, 07 05:19 UTC
our programming is based on 1 and 0.. would it be possible to go to 3 or 4 or more digits with the help of higher and lower voltages?.. grtz,dirk
May 12, 23 / Gem 20, 07 19:01 UTC
as a worker in metal i came to a question.. would welding in vacuum not be cleaner for our air?.. grtz,dirk
May 15, 23 / Gem 23, 07 02:35 UTC
May 15, 23 / Gem 23, 07 02:04 UTC
May 14, 23 / Gem 22, 07 21:24 UTC
send me to space with equipment and i will do a test.. 😁
See all 6 comments
May 12, 23 / Gem 20, 07 08:42 UTC
if there is a bad event.. then that creates unbalance.. which leeds to extremes.. and gradual balancing will follow.. this is a cyclic occurrence.. it can be used as a blueprint for everything happening in space, solarsystem, earth, humans.. to work towards a balance we should reengineer the process.. break ...
May 12, 23 / Gem 20, 07 02:07 UTC
lets do a mind exercise.. if matter is compressed it gets denser.. atoms merge and empty space and electrons move to the outside.. if we do now the opposite then we should arrive at antimatter.. so.. if matter is decompressed like in space it gets less denser.. atoms split and ...
May 10, 23 / Gem 18, 07 11:10 UTC
is it possible to generate electricity on the moon? grtz,dirk
May 11, 23 / Gem 19, 07 15:17 UTC
I think the best answer can be given by those where were there
May 10, 23 / Gem 18, 07 11:17 UTC
With the help of the sun, yes. Or then you can have a nuclear reactor (SMR) like the one from Rolls Royce.
May 7, 23 / Gem 15, 07 14:53 UTC
a big bunch of drones with lights visualizing texts in space with memes for a better humanity..
May 7, 23 / Gem 15, 07 15:30 UTC
May 3, 23 / Gem 11, 07 21:40 UTC
what is life.. life is based on bacteria.. so living water and living soil.. these are the components we have to take with us in space.. the first goal is to preserve life in space.. that has been done in the ISS.. next goal is to take it to the ...
May 1, 23 / Gem 09, 07 18:06 UTC
can parliament take a look at nationbuilders.. maybe we can use it in one or other way.. link: grtz,dirk
May 2, 23 / Gem 10, 07 19:33 UTC
yes, i am a sponsor..
May 2, 23 / Gem 10, 07 16:20 UTC
По моему их сообщество неактивно уже пару лет или более
May 1, 23 / Gem 09, 07 17:49 UTC
labor is the creator of money.. all the rest of the methods is stealing in one or other form.. if we want to alter this system.. then labor has to be given an alternative for money.. if we would translate that to a space nation then labor should be given ...
Apr 28, 23 / Gem 06, 07 21:46 UTC
one of the first things to build on mars should be domes with a watercycle, plants and bacteria.. we should create food forrest's domes, healthy air forest domes, living water forest domes, insects forest domes, etc etc.. then make combinations from these domes to promote evolution and adapted lifeforms.. next ...
Apr 28, 23 / Gem 06, 07 23:21 UTC
Caves, what can be built with the rock of the ground, or how to take domes there, a soft material that can inflate and then harden, it is good to imagine how
Apr 28, 23 / Gem 06, 07 18:01 UTC
what if we would decorate our own tiny place or tiny room on earth like we would like to have a personal room in space.. we could connect all these rooms into one giant spaceship located in the digital universe but with real people and places.. we could add control ...
May 4, 23 / Gem 12, 07 12:54 UTC
In work, 85% done
Apr 28, 23 / Gem 06, 07 08:39 UTC
the system of today is based on workforce-tax-politics.. we have to quit this system as it makes depths, poverty and war.. we should use a system that is based the other way around while maintaining a strong balance with extended buffers.. so if we go from citizens-savings-funding then we start ...
Apr 22, 23 / Gem 00, 07 07:37 UTC
as the world provides robots they should run 'clean the earth' software.. atleast report waste problems.. take action to clean up.. make cleaning robots by robots.. contact humans on wrong doings.. measure with sensors.. etc etc.. grtz,dirk
Apr 22, 23 / Gem 00, 07 13:40 UTC
Absolutely. If someone is littering in parks, a robot will alert authorities and fined them.