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Deurne, Antwerp, Belgium
Mar 17, 23 / Ari 20, 07 14:08 UTC
ok this is a test to download the first page.. Grtz,Dirk
Mar 17, 23 / Ari 20, 07 10:07 UTC
the sun is the local boss.. whenever there is a situation in the galaxy.. our boss gets its part.. he reacts to this and spread out its anger.. this comes in parts to the planets.. the planets absorb this reaction and store it in their cores.. it is only in ...
Mar 19, 23 / Ari 22, 07 15:02 UTC
That's why the nations need to instead of waging war, they need to focus on being responsible to get mankind off Earth. That means people in Space Science needs to kick themselves into overtime and focus on saving humanity.
Mar 17, 23 / Ari 20, 07 16:09 UTC
comes from head of nation..
Mar 17, 23 / Ari 20, 07 10:54 UTC
What is 2043?
Mar 15, 23 / Ari 18, 07 21:22 UTC
can Asgardia make a digital marketplace where asgardians can share digital content and use the solar as currency?.. this could be a simple photo or sound.. but also more complicated analog to digital content.. aswel as programs, apps and user interfaces.. as a possibility we could setup NAS devices so ...
Mar 16, 23 / Ari 19, 07 11:45 UTC
Well, I had a great platform that would have built long term commerce growth in profit and exposure, you remember my plan from previous Parliament election over nearly years ago? Well, we will see what they have in their plan and hopefully, they have something to show for next 5 ...
Mar 16, 23 / Ari 19, 07 10:03 UTC
it is not exclusive ourselves but Asgardia that should profit from the commerce and its taxes.. which means that the profit for Asgardia shall be divided amongst all asgardians..
Mar 16, 23 / Ari 19, 07 06:47 UTC
I had talked about that before, but we cannot do that since the "withdraw" feature from Wallet is not activated in order to have commerce of services and goods to earn profits/income for that to be possible. That why I had to hold it off till Finance Committee or Trade ...
See all 5 comments
Mar 12, 23 / Ari 15, 07 15:25 UTC
Mar 12, 23 / Ari 15, 07 04:05 UTC
Asgardia needs a business that makes businesses.. by linking asgardians by there skills.. by needed products for Asgardia.. to accomplish our goals.. Grtz,Dirk
Mar 12, 23 / Ari 15, 07 10:19 UTC
Firstly, Asgardia's status as a space nation could provide unique opportunities for businesses involved in space exploration and development. Asgardia could potentially offer a supportive legal and regulatory environment for these businesses, as well as access to resources such as land, minerals, and other materials found in space. Secondly, Asgardia's ...
Mar 12, 23 / Ari 15, 07 08:51 UTC
If we set aside the fact that we, as Asgardians, wanted to create a great nation with our first space nation, what value can Asgardia bring to businesses?
Mar 12, 23 / Ari 15, 07 00:25 UTC
what are our digital skills.. could we make a list of available digital skills among asgardians and link them together to start small businesses inside Asgardia true ?.. Grtz,Dirk
Mar 12, 23 / Ari 15, 07 00:54 UTC
Thanks for mentioning this. I had no idea what let alone of it's existence. Maybe once I get out of Wabash and start van life, I'll start working on creating a company of my own.
Mar 11, 23 / Ari 14, 07 13:15 UTC
some examples of keys that could be used with DAO: question at chatgpt: pgp key, are there other examples like pgp key that could be used with DAO? Yes, there are other examples of cryptographic keys that could be used in a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) context. Some of these ...
Mar 4, 23 / Ari 07, 07 16:32 UTC
lets create a digital galaxy.. the blackhole is already in place.. the arms are also in place.. but the Asgardian galaxy needs content.. thus stars, planets, moons, asteroids.. Grtz,Dirk
Mar 4, 23 / Ari 07, 07 06:38 UTC
like i previously mentioned space pressure with an example of water pressure under water.. today i will give an example of a star in the same way.. if we look at the picture below of an under water welder.. then you can see the action that takes place from his ...
Mar 1, 23 / Ari 04, 07 17:55 UTC
with the new parliament should also come new rules.. the 150 parliament members should each bring 1000 residents to Asgardia.. that would add 150000 residents by the end of their term and would pay their bills.. Grtz,Dirk
Mar 4, 23 / Ari 07, 07 01:40 UTC
Mar 3, 23 / Ari 06, 07 07:52 UTC
why do we need to do it for becoming a mayor..
Mar 2, 23 / Ari 05, 07 20:13 UTC
that's not really a good rule ., you can tell people about Asgardia . Its up to the person if they wantto join. You cantforce them .
Mar 1, 23 / Ari 04, 07 14:01 UTC
what is gravity? it is pressure from space.. the best way to visualize it is when we put an object under water.. this then gets pressurized at the outside by the displaced water and that is called waterpressure.. wel the exact same thing happens in space.. space is an electron ...
Feb 28, 23 / Ari 03, 07 19:56 UTC
capturing carbon with green waterfalls.. question to chatgtp: a waterfall with algae in a cyclic process? Yes, it is possible to use a waterfall to grow algae in a cyclic process that can help to capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Here's how it could work: The waterfall generates energy ...
Feb 28, 23 / Ari 03, 07 10:59 UTC
mining on the moon, starting with ice-water and moon-dust.. question at chatgtp: could a slurry be made from water from ice, and moon dust, at the south pole of the moon, to proces the mining of materials? It is possible to create a slurry using water from ice and moon ...
Feb 28, 23 / Ari 03, 07 10:21 UTC
some slogans from chatgtp: "Where Boundaries are Infinite, Opportunities are Endless" "Experience the Future Today with Asgardia" "The Sky is Not the Limit - Join Asgardia" "A New World Awaits You in Asgardia" "Dream Big, Live Bigger - Asgardia" "Join the Pioneer Community in Space - Asgardia" "Be Part of ...
Feb 28, 23 / Ari 03, 07 09:58 UTC
question to chatgtp: promotion tactics for Asgardia, from digital to analog for asgardians? As an AI language model, I can provide you with some promotional tactics that can be used for Asgardia, from digital to analog, for Asgardians: Social media campaigns: Social media is a powerful tool for reaching out ...
Feb 26, 23 / Ari 01, 07 09:26 UTC
water in space.. what does this actually mean to the space system.. if we would look at space par density and not par age.. then we can assume that space was water in the beginning.. maybe some aliens found it interesting to make a waterbomb to explode their waterworld.. maybe ...
Feb 26, 23 / Ari 01, 07 05:26 UTC
if we would take a simple approach towards electricity then we could say that stars are the sources of electricity.. they are balls of plasma which are based on a higher state of matter without dust and electrons.. the dust falls back to the dustlayer and electrons are pushed in ...
Feb 26, 23 / Ari 01, 07 11:46 UTC
Feb 23, 23 / Pis 26, 07 03:05 UTC
a simple thought in between.. as ice melts on the poles and heights.. it would be obvious that land rises from less weight and that groundwater falls to lower levels.. which means more drought.. at the equator the opposite happens.. due to more water in the middle of the earth ...
Feb 25, 23 / Ari 00, 07 12:00 UTC
There is no "less weight" when ice is melting, There are more flooding as water level rises. But this ha s nothing to do with weight.
Feb 23, 23 / Pis 26, 07 02:15 UTC
question at chatgtp about unoosa: maybe Asgardia should work together with unoosa? Asgardia is an organization that aims to establish a permanent space settlement and promote the peaceful use of space. UNOOSA (United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs) is the United Nations office responsible for promoting international cooperation in ...
Feb 23, 23 / Pis 26, 07 02:47 UTC
the latest resolution:
Feb 21, 23 / Pis 24, 07 09:35 UTC
our fundamental problem of the world is that we are stealers.. we steal from the world and we steal from each other.. how can we make a better world and humanity.. by giving to the world and giving to each other.. in conclusion.. give nature back to earth and give ...
Feb 21, 23 / Pis 24, 07 11:26 UTC
Definitely, if we keep giving back what We took then the Earth itself can heal. Take the forests for example, deforestation kills wildlife for plots of land for farmers. If we can find seeds in the trees in these forests, then we could reseed these forests and restore these forests. ...