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Deurne, Antwerp, Belgium
Sep 5, 24 / Lib 25, 08 09:24 UTC
i asked chatgpt to give some examples of bad cycles in civilizations that can be avoided in the future.. Many civilizations, both past and present, have experienced cycles of progress followed by decline or stagnation due to recurring social, political, and environmental challenges. Recognizing these patterns can help avoid repeating ...
Sep 5, 24 / Lib 25, 08 09:13 UTC
teaching is the road to the future.. but who decides to teach what.. we should discard decisions made by main powers as they only look for their own future and interests.. the teachings should go about real life situations with according problems which have to be solved.. with that come ...
Sep 4, 24 / Lib 24, 08 04:07 UTC
i think asgardia's structure should have portal webpages for each department.. it should be setup as interactive hubs with the aim to interact with asgardians.. this way it would not only create an interaction with asgardians but would open the structure to the citizens.. as it is now everything is ...
Sep 4, 24 / Lib 24, 08 03:48 UTC
i have been on the internet from 1996 and had an own website in these early years.. on each page i had a side colon with miniaturized screenshots.. these functioned as link buttons to the according websites.. it was easy recognizable and straightforward.. also in these days people put also ...
Sep 4, 24 / Lib 24, 08 03:18 UTC
Asgardia has news items on its website.. these news items are copied to the main social media platforms.. for more spreading the news over the world we would need hundreds if not thousands of news pages over the world.. just one page with the latest news items.. this one page ...
Sep 3, 24 / Lib 23, 08 18:20 UTC
Asgardia should send an official letter to all nations in the world about the independence and the wish to be recognized as a nation.. grtz,dirk
Sep 3, 24 / Lib 23, 08 14:43 UTC
i am curious about the budget for The Space Child Fund , does it need further funding and how much is at this moment in the fund.. grtz,dirk
Sep 3, 24 / Lib 23, 08 12:07 UTC
ESA is organizing open days in France 20/09, Italy 27/09 and Netherland 05-06/10.. grtz,dirk
Sep 3, 24 / Lib 23, 08 11:05 UTC
gathering and training in the European Astronaut Center with Frank De Winne and the people from the Euro Space Center.. grtz,dirk
Sep 2, 24 / Lib 22, 08 20:44 UTC
what are the interests of the asgardian community and how can we link those interests with other groups.. by looking for mutual or shared interests we can build bridges of communication.. its like braincells looking for connection with other braincells and that is how our brain is build.. a network ...
Sep 4, 24 / Lib 24, 08 09:37 UTC
I don't know the answer to that. I think the interests of the Asgardian community are to build a society that doesn't discriminate but allows all its citizens to shine. I kind of think of it in terms of a Star Trek style society. We as humans have many prejudices ...
Sep 2, 24 / Lib 22, 08 16:38 UTC
how to link a constitution to a silent community.. should we create polls via a mailinglist?.. if there is no one in the community acting like in a community then what use has it.. ok, it is a framework for laws and rules but other then that i am missing ...
Sep 2, 24 / Lib 22, 08 20:14 UTC
yes, working together and exchanging users..
Sep 2, 24 / Lib 22, 08 19:03 UTC
It is a challenge when there are 1.1 million citizens and so little discussion in any of the communities. Polls via a mailing list might encourage participation. I wonder if a Discord server would be more active, I'm a member of a few unrelated Discord servers which are very active, ...
Sep 2, 24 / Lib 22, 08 13:11 UTC
to increase the interest towards being a resident we could sell propertie in Asgardia being virtual land in space or on a planet.. coupled to the qtum/solar digital currency it could be setup in a secure manner.. i have asked chatgpt how we could start it.. Starting a virtual land ...
Aug 31, 24 / Lib 20, 08 20:14 UTC
an ancient term among humans.. it has physical and spiritual meanings.. above and beneath.. when we see lava emerge from the inner earth then that is the place where no life can exist.. when we look at the stars in the heaven then that gives hope of something supreme watching ...
Aug 30, 24 / Lib 19, 08 07:58 UTC
had a chat with chatgpt and it is clear that we can not achieve real gravity in space.. we would atleast need the mass of a big asteroid.. so building a spaceship on or around an asteroid is the closest thing to achieve.. if we try to do it with ...
Aug 31, 24 / Lib 20, 08 04:51 UTC Actually it's extremely simple here is the science.
Aug 28, 24 / Lib 17, 08 17:36 UTC
World Space Week.. October 4-10.. link: grtz,dirk
Aug 27, 24 / Lib 16, 08 08:35 UTC
place a device that stores digital money and digital data on the moon.. work it out to become a lunar bank for support of lunar projects.. by gathering big money from small donations it would become a digital money source on the moon with its own moon rules.. garantie a ...
Aug 26, 24 / Lib 15, 08 17:55 UTC
on earth we have almost turned everything into money.. but space is empty so money has no use in space.. but between space and earth lies the digital noosphere.. it is a dimension of wonders and electrons.. sending digital data into space and back is a daily job.. the workhorses ...
Aug 26, 24 / Lib 15, 08 14:50 UTC
Sit in on the interview between Asgardia Minister of Culture Cheryl Gallagher and the CEO of Copernic Space Grant Blaisdell video: news: grtz,dirk
Aug 26, 24 / Lib 15, 08 07:24 UTC
here is a link to the first crypto stamps of UN Stamps.. link: grtz,dirk
Aug 26, 24 / Lib 15, 08 07:00 UTC
i asked chatgpt to give some digital products for Asgardia.. Asgardia, the self-proclaimed "space nation," represents a unique community with its own digital infrastructure, including a crypto wallet system. Given its focus on space, science, and technology, there are several digital products that could be sold within Asgardia by both ...