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Deurne, Antwerp, Belgium
Jul 19, 22 / Vir 04, 06 14:18 UTC
What if we would build a closed system which makes ice to steam.. we make one part black to generate steam, in the middle the turbine, the other side in white.. when the ice is made at the opposite site of the sun, we turn the spaceship around and start ...
Jul 19, 22 / Vir 04, 06 19:55 UTC
The closed system you describe is based on the exploitation of the ability of a black body to absorb the energy of the sun's rays by transferring it to ICE which turns into steam which in turn contains the energy to be transformed into propulsive thrust. It closely resembles the ...
Jul 19, 22 / Vir 04, 06 16:08 UTC
Turbine.. electro.. magnetic..
Jul 19, 22 / Vir 04, 06 15:30 UTC
Un moteur qui fonctionne grâce à l'évaporation ?
Jul 16, 22 / Vir 01, 06 19:41 UTC
Let’s say there is a close by asteroid to earth and it happens to be in the trajectory of a solarflame that will hit earth in a few days.. would that not be a possible scenario for a space disaster movie.. more then that it could even be a real ...
Jul 6, 22 / Leo 19, 06 20:02 UTC
If we would take a disk aka ufo.. build on top 12 turboinlet’s all around.. at the bottom 12 engineoutlet’s.. automatic pilot or robot.. would it go any direction?.. Grtz,Dirk
Jul 7, 22 / Leo 20, 06 22:55 UTC
If you mention the principle of action and reaction what enters from the sockets comes out of the nozzles accelerated generating propulsion. If we think of a UFO, making a flight of fantasy, we could think of plasma engines evolved to the point of not being like the current ones; ...
Jul 3, 22 / Leo 16, 06 16:19 UTC
If we accelerate continuously then we have gravity all the time.. if we turn the spaceship around and slowdown continuously then we have also gravity.. true or false.. Grtz,Dirk
Jul 12, 22 / Leo 25, 06 11:21 UTC
It depends on your propulsion method to determine if it is even viable to do at all, even SpaceX Starship isn't capable of it with its chemical rockets. But say we use an efficient fusion drive continuously firing pushing the ship at a steady 1g acceleration (As we see in ...
Jul 3, 22 / Leo 16, 06 16:31 UTC
Jul 1, 22 / Leo 14, 06 05:26 UTC
Although the structure of Asgardia is extremely fantastic, I have my thoughts about the fact that an official degree is demanded to be able to run for parliament. Asgaardia really stands for anti discrimination, racism and all sorts of negative influences. but isn't demanding a degree to be able to ...
Jul 1, 22 / Leo 14, 06 10:18 UTC
If I would compare it to the old times then a paper makes you a non-slave aka non-worker..
Jun 29, 22 / Leo 12, 06 05:54 UTC
What about a matroesjka space ship that could be unfolded in space.. could be done via the bottom in the length.. Grtz,Dirk PS: could also be done with a certain degree off.. so that it becomes a part of a circle..
Jun 25, 22 / Leo 08, 06 11:11 UTC
Would be interesting to know what has become of the singers of the anthem.. Grtz,Dirk
Jun 24, 22 / Leo 07, 06 19:56 UTC
We have to act as if we where already on that future spaceship in space.. our methods and handlings should be spaceship based.. our website is the earth portal where we enter the spaceship on a daily basis.. we get digital transported when we login in to the spaceship.. accordingly ...
Jun 25, 22 / Leo 08, 06 03:21 UTC
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo
Jun 24, 22 / Leo 07, 06 16:16 UTC
What is unusual.. when we know our spaceship and crew and there is something not usual .. the source can come from outside the spaceship or from within the spaceship or inside a crew member.. how do we define from where the possible danger can come.. is it maybe not ...
Jun 26, 22 / Leo 09, 06 16:41 UTC
Danger is something that is not easy to define. As you rightly posted wondering where it will come from or where it is are the questions to start from to anticipate and avoid it. So mental preparation whatever the ship, spaceship or airplane we move on is essential. Do we ...
Jun 25, 22 / Leo 08, 06 20:19 UTC
Not important..
Jun 25, 22 / Leo 08, 06 17:34 UTC
what did you see
See all 5 comments
Jun 19, 22 / Leo 02, 06 14:25 UTC
Asgardia should sell a stamp of our head of nation.. Grtz,Dirk
Jun 20, 22 / Leo 03, 06 20:00 UTC
If we recognize ourselfs then that is enough..
Jun 19, 22 / Leo 02, 06 15:33 UTC
The message of Asgardia must always be kept fresh
Jun 19, 22 / Leo 02, 06 13:54 UTC
What would our galaxy or local universe look like if we would speed time up.. like for example the creation of our sun in one second.. as if it would collapse and then expand.. Grtz,Dirk
Jun 20, 22 / Leo 03, 06 01:33 UTC
Hello, if I can, I would say it's a bad idea, because the sun is natural, it would not be good to defy the laws of the cosmos, I would say how to protect yourself from the cosmic rays of Mars
Jun 19, 22 / Leo 02, 06 15:31 UTC
I associate the image with that of the pyrotechnic candles that give off many stars that spread and extinguish quickly. Christmas image, but in space how much energy and how much brevity of life? (Maybe it's the heat that grips the Italian peninsula that makes you think of Christmas!?) :)
Jun 19, 22 / Leo 02, 06 08:20 UTC
Half Italian, half Hungarian living in Belgium, ready to be part of space. greetings.
Jun 18, 22 / Leo 01, 06 12:06 UTC
Etant descendant direct de Vóden de la maison Thrymheim (séjour de la force) du royaume des géants qui ont bâti Asgard entouré d'une grande muraille infranchissable dans les temps mythologique, je déclare Asgardia comme l'UNIQUE NATION NUMÉRIQUE de notre berceau galactique - la planette Terre. Aucunes autres Nations numériques existantes ...
Jun 13, 22 / Can 24, 06 04:53 UTC
I think the best way to collect space debris is to look at what space is doing.. space forms body’s of impact.. why not make an impact object to collect debris.. Grtz,Dirk
Jun 19, 22 / Leo 02, 06 15:18 UTC
Space can be allowed to make mistakes and trigger chain shocks; in the orderly chaos of space there is also this possibility. For us little Earthlings it is a must not make mistakes : we have only this land and nothing else. Fascinating theory, perhaps our descendants... Greet
Jun 18, 22 / Leo 01, 06 10:55 UTC
Too unsafe, it could create an unforeseen man made meteor impact, it would be too stupid to create something like that, what we need is a pre impact shield. Something like a massive wall of steel that is compact enough to deflect incoming meteors by a certain angle. These shields ...
Jun 8, 22 / Can 19, 06 17:33 UTC
What is most likely the case:
Jun 17, 22 / Leo 00, 06 08:18 UTC
The Asgardians are my friends.. so i suppose they all read it?.. 😉
Jun 10, 22 / Can 21, 06 06:14 UTC
Yo prefiro lo de asgardia reciente gratis porque mí sueño es hacerme asgardiano pero no cuento con el efectivo suficiente para hacerme la recidencia
Jun 3, 22 / Can 14, 06 08:36 UTC
Nothing but the truth.. like in the old scriptures there is only one truth and that is the combination of the following three sources.. the first one is space.. the second one is earth.. and the third one is wisdom.. From space comes the sun, the stars and planets and ...
Jun 3, 22 / Can 14, 06 11:56 UTC
Men have written a lot; not all men have written by passing on their wisdom and respect for the world by their stories ( oral tradition). I can assure you that in Aboriginal and Native American cultures there are so many concepts that should be brought to the attention of ...
May 28, 22 / Can 08, 06 12:10 UTC
What could we do against a superflame from the sun.. one thing is sure.. it will destroy one third of the earth.. if we now would devide the earth in let’s say six even compartments then that would result in four hour pieces.. If we copy these six compartments over ...
Jun 19, 22 / Leo 02, 06 15:11 UTC
I have some doubts; if the sun represents a nexus of gravity to keep the planets of the system in orbit I believe that this attraction will represent a constraint to the distance of the sun will change the size and not the mass. Greeting
Jun 18, 22 / Leo 01, 06 10:52 UTC
As the sun expands, I believe our orbit will grow further from the sun.
May 31, 22 / Can 11, 06 23:37 UTC
It's a theory. In fact, when the sun begins to increase the volume it occupies in space it will create such a decompensation in the orbits of the planets that life on Earth will probably end in a short time ( if technological man has not already completed its destruction ...
May 28, 22 / Can 08, 06 11:50 UTC
It is said that the sun will eventually expand into the solarsystem.. the question that arises is how.. we assume that it will be a gradual expansion, but let’s look at an other way.. what if we see the solarsystem as the atmosphere of the sun with the planets as ...
May 27, 22 / Can 07, 06 13:33 UTC
Two main forces in space are hot and cold.. they are the opposite of each other.. heat comes from friction, density, melting.. these come from disk, body’s, cores.. on the other side we have discharging, expansion, freezing.. these come from jets, gasses, space.. Now we can ask the ever relative ...
May 17, 22 / Gem 25, 06 12:14 UTC
If our dna exists out of different pieces of dna comming from space via meteors and asteroids then we are a mingling of space parts.. could have been a broken up planet that existed before us.. with maybe extra pieces from outer space.. even bad code could have entered our ...
May 25, 22 / Can 05, 06 08:34 UTC
I believe that meteors may have helped create life on Earth, either because of the physical effects of the impacts, or because of the chemical components they carried. As we know Organic Life is mainly based on carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen in addition to small amounts of other elements. ...
May 18, 22 / Gem 26, 06 19:31 UTC
perfect..thank you