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Deurne, Antwerp, Belgium
Jan 27, 22 / Aqu 27, 06 16:12 UTC
if the earth would be hit by a large/long amount of microwaves then this would result in seawater that evaporates and ice that melts.. more destructive would be the deeper penetrating waves that heat up lava, magma and even the core.. if 2022 is to be the year of solar-bursts ...
Jan 29, 22 / Pis 01, 06 00:46 UTC
Some useful information about microwaves. Every day our body is reached by energy flows: photons and all the charges and pulse that exceed the Van Halen fascias. Here are some news related to microwaves . I totally agree about indeterminate dangerousness of 5 G. an example comparison. If we put ...
Jan 27, 22 / Aqu 27, 06 21:53 UTC
I agree. My ultimate fear is rf controlled nanobots. Once in aerosol form, game over.
Jan 27, 22 / Aqu 27, 06 18:42 UTC
What are your thoughts on the 5G advancements globally?
Jan 27, 22 / Aqu 27, 06 13:12 UTC
a question to help visualize.. what amount of matter would be equivalent to one solar?..
Jan 23, 22 / Aqu 23, 06 17:33 UTC
if we stand in Asgardia for unity and humanity.. then we should put unity in unity and humanity in humanity inside Asgardia.. Grtz, Dirk.
Jan 30, 22 / Pis 02, 06 04:17 UTC
As per our motto: "One Humanity One Unity"! OHOU!
Jan 21, 22 / Aqu 21, 06 12:43 UTC
lets say i am a new Asgardian and want some more in dept information about Asgardia.. then the new member can promote someone to buddy for extra information about Asgardia.. the promoted member gets 10solar for the help.. everybody can promote somebody to a buddy.. this as an example for ...
Jan 23, 22 / Aqu 23, 06 01:01 UTC
its a nice idea. but I did some math. as it stands the Asgardian government only receives $203,522.10 AUD a year currently from resident fees. which as far as I'm aware goes towards keeping the "lights on". would be a while before this idea is feasible.
Jan 22, 22 / Aqu 22, 06 18:28 UTC
Cómo haria para para promover
Jan 22, 22 / Aqu 22, 06 14:56 UTC
Ok. I understand.
See all 4 comments
Jan 15, 22 / Aqu 15, 06 11:11 UTC
we could play with colored mirrors.. for example greens reversed in colors gives magenta what translates to magenta being the absorption color.. we take a mirror and add a transparent magenta foil over it and we have a daylight magenta light source for plants.. - the same goes for people.. ...
Jan 9, 22 / Aqu 09, 06 16:10 UTC
if all snow and ice disappears from a certain big area then that means that it goes from negative loaded (-) to positive loaded (+).. and that means disturbance true moving particles which means a hotter dimension.. which causes water to evaporate and make lots of clouds with lots of ...
Jan 13, 22 / Aqu 13, 06 21:23 UTC
Jan 8, 22 / Aqu 08, 06 14:21 UTC
personally i have a problem with the home page.. it displays this "Get involved in political life".. sorry, but that is not the reason why i got involved with Asgardia.. and it is not the reason why new members will donate money to Asgardia.. open your eyes and see what ...
Jan 9, 22 / Aqu 09, 06 17:31 UTC
You are absolutely correct!
Jan 9, 22 / Aqu 09, 06 04:37 UTC
The website and online presence is not good at all, but it is a good start. Plus, I have seen no opportunities to be involved politically.
Jan 9, 22 / Aqu 09, 06 00:53 UTC
See all 6 comments
Jan 8, 22 / Aqu 08, 06 11:53 UTC
what can we do in a global overview.. first.. big problems always start as a little problem.. big solutions always begin with small changes.. so in fact we have to back-engineer all mayor problems on earth and begin with the most basic problems that are the cause of the pileup.. ...
Jan 8, 22 / Aqu 08, 06 12:20 UTC
Полностью поддерживаю.
Jan 7, 22 / Aqu 07, 06 17:09 UTC
my personal donations subdivided.. for the moment it goes like this.. tax 100, main projects 25, personal projects 10, useful posts 5, interesting posts 1 Solar.. i have started with 1000 Solar so a long way to go till my buffer has to be refilled.. Grtz, Dirk.
Jan 8, 22 / Aqu 08, 06 00:38 UTC
Jan 8, 22 / Aqu 08, 06 00:38 UTC
Ура ! Дорогие асгардцы
Jan 7, 22 / Aqu 07, 06 13:16 UTC
maybe we should create our own verse.. via a game it would be the fastest way.. but having our own digital-virtual-space would be uniquer.. nationbuilders had started with some experimenting in virtual reality combined with real world events.. maybe we could put all things and peoples together to make something ...
Jan 8, 22 / Aqu 08, 06 00:21 UTC
Absolutely agree. There is, however, one major obstacle. It is the lack of communication between the project participants.
Jan 5, 22 / Aqu 05, 06 02:55 UTC
below we have a little poll how Asgardians would think about instead of ticking on the vote button from a post alone to make an other choice by choosing the "send solars" button next to it for interesting posts.. this way we would build a certain "get the money rolling" ...
Dec 31, 21 / Cap 29, 05 19:46 UTC
today i am going to unleash myself about the 3 basic forces of the cosmos and their close partners.. the first things we can observe are heat and cold.. if we put these together then it becomes energy.. energy from the interaction of the 2 different origins.. - if we ...
Jan 9, 22 / Aqu 09, 06 17:40 UTC
You are aware that there is no such thing as colder than absolute zero degrees, right?
Jan 2, 22 / Aqu 02, 06 01:05 UTC
Космос вдохновляет. !
Dec 31, 21 / Cap 29, 05 06:51 UTC
as with all buffers they level out the high and lows.. or the bad times and good times.. or the shortcomings and the overloads.. so why not use a buffer for our financial system.. reward the input of money put into Asgardia (digital medals) and use the money to level ...
Jan 1, 22 / Aqu 01, 06 02:08 UTC
The idea is noble, there are very few modern people who (unfortunately! ) they understand these concepts.
Dec 31, 21 / Cap 29, 05 11:22 UTC
Hi Dirk - you could pay for someone else's fee, or donate to their wallet. That way you determine where your "donation" is spent.
Dec 29, 21 / Cap 27, 05 23:31 UTC
in the beginning it was al about receiving the good signals true our brain.. mostly by night and in caves.. then came the evolution of deciding.. species could decide during the day and receive by night or rest.. when humans became powerful due natural resources their thinking and evolution went ...
Jan 1, 22 / Aqu 01, 06 01:51 UTC
Hello Dirk first of all Happy New Year, then I would like to introduce you to some situations that connect with the exposure that you have made in your post.all true what you say , there is only one particular that you have not had the opportunity, obviously, to experience ...
Dec 26, 21 / Cap 24, 05 16:44 UTC
the time that the earth.. the sun.. and the center of the galaxy are in line ones a year.. Grtz, Dirk.
Dec 23, 21 / Cap 21, 05 10:00 UTC
a little virus question.. does a virus need oxygen?.. and or does it live on carbon-gasses?.. Grtz, Dirk.
Dec 25, 21 / Cap 23, 05 15:22 UTC
It parasitizes in human cells and plunders nutrients, so it does not need oxygen.
Dec 24, 21 / Cap 22, 05 21:27 UTC
Neither nor i guess!!
Dec 22, 21 / Cap 20, 05 10:45 UTC
do we need vaccines in space?.. if we do then we have to take in account that it is possible that some people get sick for some time.. so a replacement should be available.. i've got 3 covid and 1 flu vaccines past year and got 4 times sick for ...
Jan 5, 22 / Aqu 05, 06 01:58 UTC
Нужно развивать новое научное направление о сохранении здоровья человека в Космосе.
Jan 1, 22 / Aqu 01, 06 21:21 UTC
I would say yes.... The Enviroment on a Station/Ship, living on different Planet and traveling to another, Viruses mutate, etc.....
Dec 18, 21 / Cap 16, 05 13:07 UTC
an important message we get from the scripts is the state of mind and what we can do about it.. for example.. if you have based your life on negative thinking then those will become the main treads in your brain and while getting older those are the only ones ...
Dec 21, 21 / Cap 19, 05 11:16 UTC
Мышление человека должно начинаться с философии или мечтаний, чтобы погасить негатив. Есть поговорка, это только поговорка, "нужно ровно дышать". Негатив он был есть и будит, такова структура уже вышедшего на эволюционный уровень выше, человека. =) Как то так.
Dec 19, 21 / Cap 17, 05 16:52 UTC
Awesome words. Also, you attract the things that fall in line with what you dwell on.
Dec 15, 21 / Cap 13, 05 14:15 UTC
one thing we can observe and call a fact is that with democracy the decision makings are slower because of internal discussions and agreements.. if we move to space then that is not the way to do it for all things.. we have to categorize which things need fast solutions ...
Dec 16, 21 / Cap 14, 05 04:12 UTC
What example of a current government is there like what you are describing?
Dec 13, 21 / Cap 11, 05 23:22 UTC
i have had an idea some time ago about learning.. why not asking the children in a democratic pole what they want to learn.. if some topics spring out then we learn them about it.. Grtz, Dirk.