Your location
Deurne, Antwerp, Belgium
Jan 3, 21 / Aqu 03, 05 10:02 UTC
As we are closed to the sun now and have some rising in earthquakes and volcano's my thought is that there must be an underlying force that makes that happen. What i think is that when cores approach each other that they heat up and expand themselves. That is why ...
Jan 3, 21 / Aqu 03, 05 11:08 UTC
Hello Dirk a greeting and a Happy New Year first . Consulting occasionally USGS I learned of a theory that is finding consensus. According to this all around the ring of fire of Pacific Ocean, in the atmosphere of the planet, represents the area from which geological time the mantle ...
Dec 31, 20 / Cap 30, 04 11:47 UTC
Happy Year Day! I wish you and your loved ones good health and all the best - both on Earth and in Space!
Jan 16, 21 / Aqu 16, 05 23:03 UTC
abi buraya gelmek için ne kadar çaba sarf ettin
Jan 2, 21 / Aqu 02, 05 07:12 UTC
Happy new year ❤️❤️ 0005
Dec 30, 20 / Cap 29, 04 03:16 UTC
our next alignment..
amplified sun.. Grtz, Dirk.
Dec 30, 20 / Cap 29, 04 23:07 UTC
i really look forward to this day, should be spacy.
Dec 30, 20 / Cap 29, 04 05:10 UTC
Great signs on our sky!
Dec 28, 20 / Cap 27, 04 12:38 UTC
Dec 26, 20 / Cap 25, 04 12:03 UTC
was thinking (again) about an index-page of the communities to have a more overall view.. if we would compress the pictures we could see more of them in a browser-window, and with an image-map to click and go..
Dec 25, 20 / Cap 24, 04 20:31 UTC
plate rotation..
My latest idea of earthquakes and volcano's.. The rotation-point is where the deepest earthquakes are appearing. The rotation of the plate is clock-wise towards the east. Where there is contact with other plates or pieces of plates that is where the action should be going on.. Grtz, Dirk.
Dec 26, 20 / Cap 25, 04 20:35 UTC
Hi, DIrk .it's a pleasure to resent you. maybe I can give you an answer. First of all, it is an interesting view, and therefore I invite you to consult the database ( USGS, is the most documented and complete) through the date in which the various volcanoes have erupted, ...
Dec 25, 20 / Cap 24, 04 19:16 UTC
news link: ------ decree link:
Dec 20, 20 / Cap 19, 04 15:37 UTC
I still follow my same old thought to build Asgardia from the bottom up. What we want is to increase members, paying members and local leaders. If we would switch to a basic user-base that would pay 10 euro to access the website for a year and following up with ...
Dec 21, 20 / Cap 20, 04 17:37 UTC
If your ultimate goal is to have Asgardian recognized as an actual nation then you cannot charge to be a citizen which is essentially what you are describing. Even the 'Residence' fee is pushing this boundary. Ultimately, Asgardia needs to find a service to provide to ALL of its citizens ...
Dec 21, 20 / Cap 20, 04 02:46 UTC
That would make it a more pay to play type of lifestyle to which I thought we would not want to have.
Dec 13, 20 / Cap 12, 04 16:38 UTC
democracy and freedom are indispensable If you send me to the parliament, my supporters will have no problem. democracy and freedom are indispensable
Dec 12, 20 / Cap 11, 04 15:50 UTC
Hi to all Asgardians from Belgium. See you soon on the moon.
Dec 12, 20 / Cap 11, 04 15:59 UTC
Greetings from South Africa :)
Dec 10, 20 / Cap 09, 04 19:40 UTC
5 moon-cycles since my latest post. Have been studying a bit around old scripts and close by nature. It has made my view more complete about humans and earth. My principles are more stronger now and all is defined in simpler ways and basics. If we would be really smart ...
Dec 10, 20 / Cap 09, 04 14:34 UTC
Jun 19, 23 / Leo 02, 07 07:53 UTC
Dear Asgardians, I inform you that I am running for a second elective term. If you wish to renew your trust in me, you can support me by voting for me on this link: Best regards. Asgardia's Member of Parliament Deputy Chair of the Citizenship Committee General Secretary and ...
Jun 10, 23 / Can 21, 07 00:09 UTC
Hello Friend, I hope I can count on your Vote for Parliament!! Let’s make sure Asgardia is successful together. I have an open door policy and ready to answer and address any questions you may have or issues you might encounter. Thank you for your vote!! Best Wishes, Daniel Ekwevi
Dec 17, 20 / Cap 16, 04 22:55 UTC
OHOU Serge! Congrats on your election to Asgardia's Parliament! 🌞 🚀
Dec 10, 20 / Cap 09, 04 14:22 UTC
Citoyennes et ciytoyens d'Asagardia, Je suis Serge Collin de Belgique et le seul candidat francophone. Je suis polytechnicien et fier d'appartenir à cette nation; nation dont j'espère, si je suis élu, promouvoir la renommée et la reconnaissance. Je compte donc sur votre soutien massif. Je vous en remercie d'avance de ...
Dec 9, 20 / Cap 08, 04 21:28 UTC
I'm Serge Collin from Belgium and I'm very proud to be member of the Asgardian community. I studied electrical engineering (Université de Louvain) and work in a multinational company active in the production of electricity by means of renewable energies. My program in a few words: - promote the development ...
Dec 10, 20 / Cap 09, 04 13:48 UTC
Dec 2, 20 / Cap 01, 04 21:09 UTC
As the asgardia community, we must deliver the vaccine to all humanity. We can take action together with our Asgardian residents who are experts in the field of medicine within. We can be a say in the field of health and we can develop alternative treatment methods.
Dec 16, 20 / Cap 15, 04 22:17 UTC
Imho is the vaccine far away from being safe and useful.
Nov 23, 20 / Sag 20, 04 12:27 UTC
Accelerating Asgardia’s roadmap towards human reproduction in space
When elected as a Member of Parliament I want to support all aspects of Asgardian progress. I can especially contribute strongly to three areas: 1. Enriching & accelerating Asgardia’s science roadmap: Encouraged by research from SpaceBorn United, I see many opportunities we can unlock and translate into feasible mission ...
Nov 4, 20 / Sag 01, 04 10:36 UTC
Human conception mission cost could be reduced by millions
Dawn Aerospace vs Virgin Orbit During SpaceBorn United’s exploration of backup execution partners we started discussions with Dawn Aerospace. They have developed re-usable unmanned spacecraft able to deliver small satellites in Low Earth Orbit. This makes them very flexible and affordable. The MK-II spacecraft has already been tested. The MK-III ...
Nov 7, 20 / Sag 04, 04 13:18 UTC
I'm not sure Martin. I don't expect Dawn Aerospace to allow people outside of the company to fly them (yet).
Oct 14, 20 / Oph 08, 04 06:43 UTC
We must create a new world so that there is no violence against women and children. Because the violence in this cruel soulless world disgust me
Jul 25, 22 / Vir 10, 06 21:42 UTC
Thanks dear brother
Oct 20, 20 / Oph 14, 04 13:07 UTC
Thank are very kind
Oct 20, 20 / Oph 14, 04 07:26 UTC
You have my Vote Brother
See all 5 comments
Oct 8, 20 / Oph 02, 04 08:21 UTC
Chase your dreams: childbirth in space
Enabling childbirth in space It would be possible inside Sierra Nevada Corporations' Dream Chaser (crew version) our experts think. Further reseach in progress at SpaceBorn United/ Asgardia
Dec 10, 20 / Cap 09, 04 14:20 UTC
Dear Asgardina, Please I kindly ask your VOTE for the parliament of Asgardia. All for the best. Thanks
Sep 25, 20 / Sco 17, 04 11:53 UTC
With my first Blog. Can't wait to start wandering through this community. Eager to learn, hoping to connect and learn. Hoping to find what i've been missing in society. Hoping to make a bigger difference for the world. Cause for know I feel bounded. I do throw stones in the ...
Oct 2, 20 / Sco 24, 04 22:37 UTC
OHOU and Welcome to Asgardia Cindy!