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Deurne, Antwerp, Belgium
Mar 21, 20 / Ari 25, 04 02:36 UTC
Time to think what life on earth exists of. The rays of the sun in cold places and the shadow in warm places. The wind that brings fresh oxygen so we can reflect on what we are doing. Water to drink if we have thirst and to clean when we ...
Mar 21, 20 / Ari 25, 04 09:52 UTC
A famous songwriter wrote "a place to stay, and enough to eat". The base values less and less respected even involuntarily. a good thought.
Mar 14, 20 / Ari 18, 04 23:25 UTC
I was thinking in an abstract way how we could build our digital nation. First we would need a digital foundation which is already set. Then we would need the first layers of data-blocks to start building. As we are advancing the data-building we would need specific data-blocks to make ...
Oct 18, 21 / Oph 11, 05 16:39 UTC
You best bet is to use defense in depth. Also app encapsulation and segmentation across each network. You'd need equipment that can handle a large load balance and be faraday away from emp and radiation emitted from space. First you would need a scope of the entire WAN. Or I'm ...
Mar 19, 20 / Ari 23, 04 05:56 UTC
Technically, this idea has been already realised in software and real life. The first (pilot, including comparision of different blockchain technologies) stage of pilot project completed by Russian energy corporation at 2019, and the second is acting doing now. Interesting that well-known blockchains have achieved the worst results then other ...
Mar 15, 20 / Ari 19, 04 08:46 UTC
And this will be help to build a data fortress to protect all asgardians about the threat of internet (cyberattacks, hacking, etc)
Mar 14, 20 / Ari 18, 04 21:54 UTC
Seems like it is spread everywhere now. The most logic origin would be traveling. Should we take measures for space in the future? Grtz, Dirk. (screenshot from
Mar 15, 20 / Ari 19, 04 20:38 UTC
The term quarantine was first used for the ships landing in a new port in which they were not allowed to disembark until a full 40 day period would elapse. Could be applied the same way for space travel :-)
Mar 15, 20 / Ari 19, 04 04:08 UTC
Mar 7, 20 / Ari 11, 04 02:41 UTC
residents : 1206 age 40 and below : 600 age 41 and higher : 606 ... .. .
Oct 15, 21 / Oph 08, 05 07:46 UTC
Mar 7, 20 / Ari 11, 04 08:05 UTC
Let's hope the updated new version of the website will allow more to do these things! There's a community where you can leave your suggestions:
Mar 4, 20 / Ari 08, 04 16:33 UTC
I know i am asking an inpatient question, but i am really interested in the latest news items.. Grtz, Dirk.
Mar 5, 20 / Ari 09, 04 07:48 UTC
Hi Dirk, parliament member Carol Lynn
Mar 5, 20 / Ari 09, 04 05:46 UTC will hopefully be sharing more on the situation in its next episode early next week! Rebekah Berg in the meanwhile has published this report, which reports that «Chairman Öpik announced that after consultation with the Administration, he will be addressing the public about reconstitution and what the next steps ...
Mar 4, 20 / Ari 08, 04 21:59 UTC
Rebekah Berg is preparing this news keep calm and patience
See all 7 comments
Feb 29, 20 / Ari 04, 04 19:51 UTC
Would it be unethical to have a parliament consisting of 1200 residents? By what kind of human rule do we have to separate the Asgardians? By earth's rules or by Asgardian rules. I would go for a total government or no government at all. Ok, the grades can stay as ...
Mar 2, 20 / Ari 06, 04 14:28 UTC
I am for the spacecraft
Mar 2, 20 / Ari 06, 04 14:27 UTC
The Georgea guide stone's
Mar 1, 20 / Ari 05, 04 00:30 UTC
Task me in for Building of Advance Spacecraft for Asgardia
See all 5 comments
Feb 26, 20 / Ari 01, 04 21:58 UTC
Lets face it, for the moment it is not common sense to float somewhere in space.. it will be for the short or medium future. But if we would follow the things that are happening now on earth we could use existing paths to explore space at a higher level. ...
Feb 27, 20 / Ari 02, 04 01:56 UTC
With a ship, a base or a planet with just A.I. on it, which can be controlled remotely
Feb 22, 20 / Pis 25, 04 21:30 UTC
Just a little conclusion. If by big floods the west-coasts go under by the weight of the ocean-water rushing in then it would be logical that big crust-plates go up eastwards. Maybe that is why these regions are mentioned in scriptures as rescue-places for bad events. For that i am ...
Feb 15, 20 / Pis 18, 04 11:25 UTC
What does level 10 stand for as Asgardian activity? And are there higher levels to reach? Grtz, Dirk.
Feb 19, 20 / Pis 22, 04 07:13 UTC
I have actually asked people in govenment, and admins, and site techs, but none of them know what any of the levels mean. I've been asking for almost a year with nobody knowing anything about the levels system. I even scoured the website's old and outdated forums with no one ...
Feb 16, 20 / Pis 19, 04 13:25 UTC
Yes Dirk. My Committee dear Chairwoman Ariadne Gallardo, , Level 11 :)
Feb 15, 20 / Pis 18, 04 18:46 UTC
Well, not sure myself but got to level 11 ;-)
See all 4 comments
Feb 12, 20 / Pis 15, 04 17:21 UTC
Maybe a weird question.. but why does Asgardia has no sponsors? Grtz, Dirk.
Feb 19, 20 / Pis 22, 04 07:09 UTC
I'm not great at math, but staking the survival of an entire nation on the wish that somebody with a billion dollars will come by to fund it is pretty flimsy, even with good marketing-- and I haven't seen any marketing.
Feb 15, 20 / Pis 18, 04 08:05 UTC
Today there is only one sponsor, he is also the head of state. According to the business plan, we are waiting for investors with a contribution of more than 1 billion dollars, but the business plan should convince such a large fish strongly, or it simply must be inspired by ...
Feb 13, 20 / Pis 16, 04 09:47 UTC
I have a feeling that one of the problems might be the image mishap of "Mars One"
See all 6 comments
Feb 10, 20 / Pis 13, 04 10:48 UTC
Here is a little poll about what amount of money you want to pay as a subscribe fee to enter Asgardia. - endless poll - you can choose 3 options if you want to - you can change choices Grtz, Dirk.
Feb 19, 20 / Pis 22, 04 07:04 UTC
I think what I want and what is reasonable are two different questions.
Feb 11, 20 / Pis 14, 04 01:33 UTC
the more we provide Asgardia with liquid assets, the quicker we will be financially independent of any other entity that may covet Asgardia's position in space...
Feb 10, 20 / Pis 13, 04 21:18 UTC
well I mark a euro because there are no jobs at this time. if there were jobs I suppose that 10% of all income could be charged as citizenship tax
See all 7 comments
Feb 9, 20 / Pis 12, 04 00:48 UTC
Some very deep analogy's.. The atmosphere of earth consists in the simplest thought of a big part of Nitrogen and a smaller part of Oxygen. Today we are drastically changing our atmosphere into Nitrogen and Carbon, by destroying life that produces oxygen and settings free carbon. It seems that this ...
Feb 11, 20 / Pis 14, 04 05:16 UTC
Mind Blown Dirk! :-)
Feb 9, 20 / Pis 12, 04 08:26 UTC
Feb 5, 20 / Pis 08, 04 19:49 UTC
As i am still not healed i am doing a little test to recover more quickly. As we are coming out of the sea and need salt for our system.. i was thinking if we could not add salt during the time of sickness. Salt has a cleaning effect, so ...
Feb 7, 20 / Pis 10, 04 17:48 UTC
All the best for a swift recovery!
Feb 6, 20 / Pis 09, 04 13:55 UTC
Did you have the salt you tasted tested for contaminates.
Feb 6, 20 / Pis 09, 04 03:04 UTC
Wishing you well for a quick recovery.
See all 4 comments
Feb 2, 20 / Pis 05, 04 13:44 UTC
Wallonnes et Wallons de tous poils, soyez les bienvenus
Feb 2, 20 / Pis 05, 04 00:41 UTC
The force of goodness has to be filtered out.. 1- catastrophes / the end and new beginning / importance of good seeds 2- primitive / survival leads to compassion / evolution to goodness 3- advanced / submission leads to greed / evolution to badness 4- catastrophe / the end and ...
Feb 1, 20 / Pis 04, 04 18:54 UTC
name members link Aliens 217 Amazons of Themyscira 7 Anime 121 Architects of a new world 7 Art 586 Asgardia 2718 Asgardia en español 8 Asgardia marijuana 22 Asgardia Space Nation Milwaukee 6 Asgardian – Bangladesh 24 Asgardian entrepreneurs 10 ...
Feb 3, 20 / Pis 06, 04 21:07 UTC
I decided to create a separate community to discuss options for non-rocket industrialization of space:
Feb 2, 20 / Pis 05, 04 01:32 UTC
May I suggest you make this document a googledoc, share the link here and update it from there? :-p
Feb 1, 20 / Pis 04, 04 23:27 UTC
We should have Asgardia web portal Community Manager, and i think Dirk already started :)
See all 4 comments
Jan 31, 20 / Pis 03, 04 23:24 UTC
We are defined as a space nation. Now what about sections inside our nation which we could define as space-city's or as departments. We could give for example our department of art as a space-city for art where every human could go to experience art in space.. We could also ...
Feb 1, 20 / Pis 04, 04 12:19 UTC
A very neat argument. Or maybe introduce the concept of districts. A district of liberated arts, as defined by Lucius Seneca (88 letter to Licylius). Another district will be the seat of "artes mechanicae", with quarters already covering narrower specialisations...
Jan 31, 20 / Pis 03, 04 23:31 UTC
Wide and interesting vision, perspective
Jan 28, 20 / Pis 00, 04 19:47 UTC
Thanks for Lewiston to bring me to this idea. Like i was saying in response to Lewiston, we should have a new connection point between government and nation. If the Mayors are send out as the bottom of the top to connect with the citizens of the nation then why ...
Jan 29, 20 / Pis 01, 04 16:42 UTC
I'm glad to give you this idea. I think it's time to talk sincerely with our national leaders about the future of our nation ! 😎
Jan 28, 20 / Pis 00, 04 20:20 UTC
interesting to your proposal.
Jan 28, 20 / Pis 00, 04 20:12 UTC
Dirk, when you write about creating new working groups with mayors and local leaders, do you mean creating some kind of closed platform for this activity - without access of all Asgardians (in the likeness of a closed parliamentary platform for discussion)? If so, will this not create an imbalance ...
See all 4 comments
Jan 27, 20 / Aqu 27, 04 14:15 UTC
environment colors..
Ever wondered why humans have different skin colors? Well it is evolution that has set these when people stayed for thousands of years in the same places. It are the absorbing colors of our blue atmosphere. The dark skins have developed in over-lighted environments and the result is that they ...
Jan 28, 20 / Pis 00, 04 02:08 UTC
Pluse light skinned or red brown people also get freckles and rose asha.
Jan 27, 20 / Aqu 27, 04 16:20 UTC
This man believed that different earth races came from different alien races
Jan 24, 20 / Aqu 24, 04 00:30 UTC
To spirit in lamp..
My wish is Asgardia's command: I wish to experience the grounding of the moon true a golden rod.. Grtz, Dirk.